Purging old rows with QueryScript: three use cases

Problem: you need to purge old rows from a table. This may be your weekly/monthly cleanup task. The table is large, the amount of rows to be deleted is large, and doing so in one big DELETE is too heavy.

You can use oak-chunk-update or pt-archiver to accomplish the task. You can also use server side scripting with QueryScript, offering a very simple syntax with no external scripting, dependencies and command line options.

I wish to present three cases of row deletion, with three different solutions. In all cases we assume some TIMESTAMP column exists in table, by which we choose to purge the row. In all cases we assume we wish to purge rows older than 1 month.

We assume the naive query is this:

DELETE FROM my_schema.my_table WHERE row_timestamp < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH

Case 1: TIMESTAMP column is indexed

I almost always index a timestamp column, if only for being able to quickly purge data (but usually also to slice data by date). In this case where the column is indexed, it’s very easy to figure out which rows are older than 1 month.

We break the naive query into smaller parts, and execute these in sequence: Continue reading » “Purging old rows with QueryScript: three use cases”