common_schema 2.1 released: advanced & improved split(), persistent script tables, more schema analysis, and (ahem) charts!

common_schema 2.1 is released! common_schema is your free & open source companion schema within your MySQL server, providing with a function library, scripting capabilities, powerful routines and ready-to-apply information and recommendations.

New and noteworthy in version 2.1:

  • Better QueryScript’s split() functionality
  • Persistent tables for QueryScript: no long held temporary tables
  • Index creation analysis, further range partition analysis
  • grant_access(): allow everyone to use common_schema
  • Ascii charts, google charts
  • debugged_routines: show routines with debug code

Other minor enhancements and bugfixes not listed.

Here’s a breakdown of the above:

split() enhancements

split is one of those parts of common_schema that (should) appeal to every DBA. Break a huge transaction automagically into smaller chunks, and don’t worry about how it’s done. If you like, throttle execution, or print progress, or…

split enhancements include:

  • A much better auto-detection-and-selection of the chunking index. split now consults all columns covered by the index, and uses realistic heuristics to decide which UNIQUE KEY on your table is best for the chunking process. A couple bugs are solved on the way; split is much smarter now.
  • Better support for multi-column chunking keys. You may now utilize the start/stop parameters even on multi column keys, passing a comma delimited of values for the split operation to start/end with, respectively. Also fixed issue for nonexistent start/stop values, which are now valid: split will just keep to the given range.
  • split no longer requires a temporary table open through the duration of its operation. See next section. Continue reading » “common_schema 2.1 released: advanced & improved split(), persistent script tables, more schema analysis, and (ahem) charts!”