MySQL command line vs. visual editors

Students in my training classes usually prefer to use some kind of visual editor for MySQL. Typically this would be the software they’re using at work. Sometimes they just bring over their laptops with the software installed. Or they would use MySQL Workbench, which is what I usually have pre-installed on their desktops.

I see MySQL Workbench, SQLyog, Toad for MySQL, or several more.

I always humbly suggest they close down their software and open up a command line.

It isn’t fancy. It may not even be convenient (especially on Windows, in my opinion). And repeating your last command with a minor modification requires a lot of key stroking. Or you would copy+paste from some text editor. Most students will give it a shot, then go back to their favorite editor.

Well, again and again I reach the same conclusion:

Visual editors are not as trustworthy as the command line.

Time and again students show me something on their editor. Behavior seems strange to me. Opening up a console shows a completely different picture.

Things like: Continue reading » “MySQL command line vs. visual editors”

Syntax of the day: IS TRUE and IS FALSE

What makes for a true statement?

We usually test statements using a WHERE clause:

SELECT * FROM world.City WHERE Population > 1000000

The “Population > 1000000” statement makes for a boolean expression. Using WHERE is just one way of evaluating it. One can also test with IF():

SET @val := 7;
SELECT IF(@val > 2, 'Yes', 'No')


The two are keywords. They also map for the numerals 1 and 0, as follows:

|    1 |     0 |

Like in the C programming language, a nonzero value evaluates to a true value. A zero evaluates to false. A NULL evaluates to… well, NULL. But aside from 3-valued logic, what’s important in our case is that it is not true. Continue reading » “Syntax of the day: IS TRUE and IS FALSE”

Documentation in SQL: CALL for help()

Documentation is an important part of any project. On the projects I maintain I put a lot of effort on documentation, and, frankly, the majority of time spent on my projects is on documentation.

The matter of keeping the documentation faithful is a topic of interest. I’d like to outline a few documentation bundling possibilities, and the present the coming new documentation method for common_schema. I’ll talk about any bundling that is NOT man pages.

High level: web docs

This is the initial method of documentation I used for openark kit and mycheckpoint. It’s still valid for mycheckpoint. Documentation is web-based. You need Internet access to read it. It’s in HTML format.

Well, not exactly HTML format: I wrote it in WordPress. Yes, it’s HTML, but there’s a lot of noise around (theme, menus, etc.) which is not strictly part of the documentation.

While this is perhaps the easiest way to go, here’s a few drawbacks: Continue reading » “Documentation in SQL: CALL for help()”