Reducing my OSS involvement, and how it affects orchestrator & gh-ost

I’m going to bring down my work volume around OSS to a minimum, specifically when it comes to orchestrator and gh-ost. This is to explain the whats and hows so that users are as informed as possible. TL;DR a period of time I will not respond to issues, will not review pull requests, will not produce releases, will not answer on mailing lists. That period of time is undefined. Could be as short as a few weeks, could be months, more, an unknown.

The “What”

Both orchestrator and gh-ost are popular tools in the MySQL ecosystem. They enjoy widespread adoption and are known to be used at prominent companies. Time and again I learn of more users of these projects. I used to keep a show-off list, I lost track since.

With wide adoption comes community engagement. This comes in the form of questions (“How do I…”, “Why does this not work…”, “Is it possible to…”), issues (crashing or data integrity bugs, locking issues, performance issues, etc.), suggestions (support this or that) and finally pull requests.

At this time, there’s multiple engagements per day. Between these two projects I estimate more than a full time job addressing those user interactions. That’s a full time job volume on top of an already existing full time job.

Much of this work went on employer’s time, but I have other responsibilities at work, too, and there is no room for a full-time-plus work on these projects. Responding to all community requests is unsustainable and futile. Some issues are left unanswered. Some pull requests are left open.

Even more demanding than time is context. To address a user’s bug report I’d need to re-familiarize myself with 5-year old code. That takes the toll of time but also memory and context switch. As community interaction goes, a simple discussion on an Issue can span multiple days. During those days I’d jump in and out of context. With multiple daily engagements this would mean re-familiarizing myself with different areas of the code, being able to justify a certain behavior; or have good arguments to why we should or should not change it; being able to simulate a scenario in my brain (I don’t have access to users’ environments); comprehend potential scenarios and understand what could break as result of what change — I don’t have and can’t practically have the tests to cover the myriad of scenarios, deployments, software, network and overall infrastructure in all users environments.

Even if I set designated time for community work, this still takes a toll on my daily tasks. The need to have a mental projection in your brain for all that’s open and all that’s to come makes it harder to free my mind and work on a new problem, to really immerse myself in thought, to create something new.

When? For how long?

Continue reading » “Reducing my OSS involvement, and how it affects orchestrator & gh-ost”

orchestrator on DB AMA: show notes

Earlier today I presented orchestrator on DB AMA. Thank you to the organizers Morgan Tocker, Liz van Dijk and Frédéric Descamps for hosting me, and thank you to all who participated!

This was a no-slides, all command-line walkthrough of some of orchestrator‘s capabilities, highlighting refactoring, topology analysis, takeovers and failovers, and discussing a bit of scripting and HTTP API tips.

The recording is available on YouTube (also embedded on

To present orchestrator, I used the new shiny docker CI environment; it’s a single docker image running orchestrator, a 4-node MySQL replication topology (courtesy dbdeployer), heartbeat injection, Consul, consul-template and HAProxy. You can run it, too! Just clone the orchestrator repo, then run:

./script/dock system

From there, you may follow the same playbook I used in the presentation, available as

Hope you find the presentation and the playbook to be useful resources.

orchestrator: what’s new in CI, testing & development

Recent focus on development & testing yielded with new orchestrator environments and offerings for developers and with increased reliability and trust. This post illustrates the new changes, and see Developers section on the official documentation for more details.


In the past four years orchestrator was developed at GitHub, and using GitHub’s environments for testing. This is very useful for testing orchestrator‘s behavior within GitHub, interacting with its internal infrastructure, and validating failover behavior in a production environment. These tests and their results are not visible to the public, though.

Now that orchestrator is developed outside GitHub (that is, outside GitHub the company, not GitHub the platform) I wanted to improve on the testing framework, making it visible, accessible and contribute-able to the community. Thankfully, the GitHub platform has much to offer on that front and orchestrator now uses GitHub Actions more heavily for testing.

GitHub Actions provide a way to run code in a container in the context of the repository. The most common use case is to run CI tests on receiving a Pull Request. Indeed, when GitHub Actions became available, we switched out of Travis CI and into Actions for orchestrator‘s CI.

Today, orchestrator runs three different tests:

  • Build, unit testing, integration testing, code & doc validation
  • Upgrade testing
  • System testing

To highlight what each does: Continue reading » “orchestrator: what’s new in CI, testing & development”

The state of Orchestrator, 2020 (spoiler: healthy)

Yesterday was my last day at GitHub, and this post explains what this means for orchestrator. First, a quick historical review:

  • 2014: I began work on orchestrator at Outbrain, as I authored several open source projects while working for Outbrain, and created orchestrator to solve discovery, visualization and simple refactoring needs. Outbrain was happy to have the project developed as a public, open source repo from day 1, and it was released under the Apache 2 license. Interestingly, the idea to develop orchestrator came after I attended Percona Live Santa Clara 2014 and watched “ChatOps: How GitHub Manages MySQL” by one Sam Lambert.
  • 2015: Joined where my main focus was to redesign and solve issues with the existing high availability setup. With’s support, I continued work on orchestrator, pursuing better failure detection and recovery processes. was an incredible playground and testbed for orchestrator, a massive deployment of multiple MySQL/MariaDB flavors and configuration.
  • 2016 – 2020: Joined GitHub. GitHub adopted orchestrator and I developed it under GitHub’s own org, at It became a core component in’s high availability design, running failure detection and recoveries across sites and geographical regions, with more to come. These 4+ years have been critical to orchestrator‘s development and saw its widespread use. At this time I’m aware of multiple large-scale organizations using orchestrator for high availability and failovers. Some of these are GitHub,, Shopify, Slack, Wix, Outbrain, and more. orchestrator is the underlying failover mechanism for vitess, and is also included in Percona’s PMM. These years saw a significant increase in community adoption and contributions, in published content, such as Pythian and Percona technical blog posts, and, not surprisingly, increase in issues and feature requests.


GitHub was very kind to support moving the orchestrator repo under my own org. This means all issues, pull requests, releases, forks, stars and watchers have automatically transferred to the new location: The old links do a “follow me” and implicitly direct to the new location. All external links to code and docs still work. I’m grateful to GitHub for supporting this transfer.

I’d like to thank all the above companies for their support of orchestrator and of open source in general. Being able to work on the same product throughout three different companies is mind blowing and an incredible opportunity. orchestrator of course remains open source and licensed with Apache 2. Existing Copyrights are unchanged.

As for what’s next: some personal time off, please understand if there’s delays to reviews/answers. My intention is to continue developing orchestrator. Naturally, the shape of future development depends on how orchestrator meets my future work. Nothing changes in that respect: my focus on orchestrator has always been first and foremost the pressing business needs, and then community support as possible. There are some interesting ideas by prominent orchestrator users and adopters and I’ll share more thoughts in due time.


Un-split brain MySQL via gh-mysql-rewind

We are pleased to release gh-mysql-rewind, a tool that allows us to move MySQL back in time, automatically identify and rewind split brain changes, restoring a split brain server into a healthy replication chain.

I recently had the pleasure of presenting gh-mysql-rewind at FOSDEM. Video and slides are available. Consider following along with the video.


Consider a split brain scenario: a “standard” MySQL replication topology suffered network isolation, and one of the replicas was promoted as new master. Meanwhile, the old master was still receiving writes from co-located apps.

Once the network isolation is over, we have a new master and an old master, and a split-brain situation: some writes only took place on one master; others only took place on the other. What if we wanted to converge the two? What paths do we have to, say, restore the old, demoted master, as a replica of the newly promoted master?

The old master is unlikely to agree to replicate from the new master. Changes have been made. AUTO_INCREMENT values have been taken. UNIQUE constraints will fail.

A few months ago, we at GitHub had exactly this scenario. An entire data center went network isolated. Automation failed over to a 2nd DC. Masters in the isolated DC meanwhile kept receiving writes. At the end of the failover we ended up with a split brain scenario – which we expected. However, an additional, unexpected constraint forced us to fail back to the original DC.

We had to make a choice: we’ve already operated for a long time in the 2nd DC and took many writes, that we were unwilling to lose. We were OK to lose (after auditing) the few seconds of writes on the isolated DC. But, how do we converge the data?

Backups are the trivial way out, but they incur long recovery time. Shipping backup data over the network for dozens of servers takes time. Restore time, catching up with changes since backup took place, warming up the servers so that they can handle production traffic, all take time.

Could we have reduces the time for recovery?

Continue reading » “Un-split brain MySQL via gh-mysql-rewind”

Using dbdeployer in CI tests

I was very pleased when Giuseppe Maxia (aka datacharmer) unveiled dbdeployer in his talk at pre-FOSDEM MySQL day. The announcement came just at the right time. I wish to briefly describe how we use dbdeployer (work in progress).

The case for gh-ost

A user opened an issue on gh-ost, and the user was using MySQL 5.5. gh-ost is being tested on 5.7 where the problem does not reproduce. A discussion with Gillian Gunson raised the concern of not testing on all versions. Can we run gh-ost tests for all MySQL/Percona/MariaDB versions? Should we? How easy would it be?

gh-ost tests

gh-ost has three different test types:

  • Unit tests: these are plain golang logic tests which are very easy and quick to run.
  • Integration tests: the topic of this post, see following. Today these do not run as part of an automated CI testing.
  • System tests: putting our production tables to the test, continuously migrating our production data on dedicated replicas, verifying checksums are identical and data is intact, read more.

Unit tests are already running as part of automated CI (every PR is subjected to those tests). Systems tests are clearly tied to our production servers. What’s the deal with the integration tests? Continue reading » “Using dbdeployer in CI tests”

orchestrator 3.0.6: faster crash detection & recoveries, auto Pseudo-GTID, semi-sync and more

orchestrator 3.0.6 is released and includes some exciting improvements and features. It quickly follows up on 3.0.5 released recently, and this post gives a breakdown of some notable changes:

Faster failure detection

Recall that orchestrator uses a holistic approach for failure detection: it reads state not only from the failed server (e.g. master) but also from its replicas. orchestrator now detects failure faster than before:

  • A detection cycle has been eliminated, leading to quicker resolution of a failure. On our setup, where we poll servers every 5sec, failure detection time dropped from 7-10sec to 3-5sec, keeping reliability. The reduction in time does not lead to increased false positives.
    Side note: you may see increased not-quite-failure analysis such as “I can’t see the master” (UnreachableMaster).
  • Better handling of network scenarios where packets are dropped. Instead of hanging till TCP timeout, orchestrator now observes server discovery asynchronously. We have specialized failover tests that simulate dropped packets. The change reduces detection time by some 5sec.

Faster master recoveries

Promoting a new master is a complex task which attempts to promote the best replica out of the pool of replicas. It’s not always the most up-to-date replica. The choice varies depending on replica configuration, version, and state.

With recent changes, orchestrator is able to to recognize, early on, that the replica it would like to promote as master is ideal. Assuming that is the case, orchestrator is able to immediate promote it (i.e. run hooks, set read_only=0 etc.), and run the rest of the failover logic, i.e. the rewiring of replicas under the newly promoted master, asynchronously.

This allows the promoted server to take writes sooner, even while its replicas are not yet connected. It also means external hooks are executed sooner.

Between faster detection and faster recoveries, we’re looking at some 10sec reduction in overall recovery time: from moment of crash to moment where a new master accepts writes. We stand now at < 20sec in almost all cases, and < 15s in optimal cases. Those times are measured on our failover tests.

We are working on reducing failover time unrelated to orchestrator and hope to update soon.

Automated Pseudo-GTID

As reminder, Pseudo-GTID is an alternative to GTID, without the kind of commitment you make with GTID. It provides similar “point your replica under any other server” behavior GTID allows. Continue reading » “orchestrator 3.0.6: faster crash detection & recoveries, auto Pseudo-GTID, semi-sync and more”

gh-ost 1.0.42 released: JSON support, optimizations

gh-ost 1.0.42 is released and available for download.


MySQL 5.7’s JSON data type is now supported.

There is a soft-limitation, that your JSON may not be part of your PRIMARY KEY. Currently this isn’t even supported by MySQL anyhow.


Two noteworthy changes are:

  • Client side prepared statements reduce network traffic and round trips to the server.
  • Range query iteration avoids creating temporary tables and filesorting.

We’re not running benchmarks at this time to observe performance gains.


More tests validating 5.7 compatibility (at this time GitHub runs MySQL 5.7 in production).


Many other changes included.

We are grateful for all community feedback in form of open Issues, Pull Requests and questions!

gh-ost is authored by GitHub. It is free and open source and is available under the MIT license.


In two weeks time, Jonah Berquist will present gh-ost: Triggerless, Painless, Trusted Online Schema Migrations at Percona Live, Dublin.

Tom Krouper and myself will present MySQL Infrastructure Testing Automation at GitHub, where, among other things, we describe how we test gh-ost in production.

Speaking at Percona Live Dublin: keynote, orchestrator tutorial, MySQL testing automation

I’m looking forward to a busy Percona Live Dublin conference, delivering three talks. Chronologically, these are:

  • Practical orchestrator tutorial
    Attend this 3 hour tutorial for a thorough overview on orchestrator: what, why, how to configure, best advice, deployments, failovers, security, high availability, common operations, …
    We will of course discuss the new orchestrator/raft setup and share our experience running it in production.
    The tutorial will allow for general questions from the audience and open discussions.
  • Why Open Sourcing Our Database Tooling was the Smart Decision
    What it says. A 10 minute journey advocating for open sourcing infrastructure.
  • MySQL Infrastructure Testing Automation at GitHub
    Co-presenting with Tom Krouper, we share how & why we run infrastructure tests in and near production that gives us trust in many of our ongoing, ever changing operations. Essentially this is “why you should feel OK trusting us with your data”.

See you there!