I’ve written a patch which completes Sphinx’s integration with MySQL 5.5.
Up until a couple months ago, Sphinx would not compile with MySQL 5.5 at all. This is, thankfully, resolved as of Sphinx 2.0.3.
However, to my disdain, I’ve found out that it only partially work: the sphinx_snippets() user defined function is not included within the plugin library. After some quick poking I discovered that it was not added to the build, and when added, would not compile.
I rely on sphinx_snippets() quite a lot, and like it. Eventually I wrote the fix to the snippets_udf.cc which allows it to run in a MySQL 5.5 server.
Here are the changes for the 2.0.4 version of Sphinx:
Replace your 2.0.4 files with these two and get on compiling your MySQL server.
Compilation guide
For completeness, here’s how to compile Percona Server 5.5 with Sphinx 2.0.4 including the above patches: Continue reading » “sphinx, sphinx_snippets() & MySQL 5.5”