Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required, part II

This post continues Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required, part I, where I describe way of converting your single-tablespace InnoDB database into a file-per-table one, without the pain of exporting and importing everything at once.

In previous part we put aside the issue of foreign keys. We address this issue now.

What if my InnoDB tables have foreign keys?

MyISAM does not support them, so you can’t just ALTER an InnoDB table to MyISAM and back into InnoDB, and expect everything to work.

Alas, this calls for additional steps (i.e. additional ALTER commands). However, these still fall well under the concept of “do it one table at a time, then take time to recover your breath and replication lag”.

Save , drop and restore your Foreign Keys setup

You can use common_schema‘s  sql_foreign_keys to get the full listing and create definition of your foreign keys. For example, assume we use the sakila database: Continue reading » “Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required, part II”

Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required

You have been told (guilty as charged), that the only way to get rid of the huge InnoDB tablespace file (commonly named ibdata1), when moving to innodb_file_per_table, is to do a logical dump of your data, completely erase everything, then import the dump.

To quickly reiterate, you can only delete the ibdata1 file when no InnoDB tables exist. Delete this file with an existing InnoDB table, even a table in its own tablespace, and nothing ever works anymore.

The problem with the dump-based solution

The impact of doing a logical dump is often overwhelming. Well, the dump may be tolerable, but the restore is much longer. The real pain is that you can’t do this one table at a time: you have to destroy everything before dropping the ibdata1 file; you then have to import everything.

Perhaps the most common scenario is that we do the changes on a slave, so as not to completely shut down our database. This is nice; no one is aware of the shutdown process. However, Huston, we have a problem: we need to make sure we can keep up the binary logs on the master for the duration of the entire process. Continue reading » “Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required”

Impact of foreign keys absence on replicating slaves

In this post I describe what happens when a slave’s Foreign Key setup is different from that of the master. I’m in particular interested in a setup where the slave has a subset of the master’s foreign keys, or no foreign keys at all. I wish to observe whether integrity holds.

Making the changes

Which foreign keys do we have and how do we drop them? If you want to do this by hand, well, good luck! Fortunately, common_schema provides with quite a few handy views and routines to assist us. Consider viewing the existing foreign keys on sakila:

master> SELECT create_statement FROM common_schema.sql_foreign_keys WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='sakila';
| create_statement                                                                                                                                                                                |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`address` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_address_city` FOREIGN KEY (`city_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`city` (`city_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                             |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`city` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_city_country` FOREIGN KEY (`country_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`country` (`country_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                       |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`customer` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_customer_address` FOREIGN KEY (`address_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`address` (`address_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE               |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`customer` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_customer_store` FOREIGN KEY (`store_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`store` (`store_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                       |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`film` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_film_language` FOREIGN KEY (`language_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`language` (`language_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                   |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`film` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_film_language_original` FOREIGN KEY (`original_language_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`language` (`language_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`film_actor` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_film_actor_actor` FOREIGN KEY (`actor_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`actor` (`actor_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                   |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`film_actor` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_film_actor_film` FOREIGN KEY (`film_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`film` (`film_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                       |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`film_category` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_film_category_category` FOREIGN KEY (`category_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`category` (`category_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`film_category` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_film_category_film` FOREIGN KEY (`film_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`film` (`film_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                 |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`inventory` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_inventory_film` FOREIGN KEY (`film_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`film` (`film_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                         |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`inventory` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_inventory_store` FOREIGN KEY (`store_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`store` (`store_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                     |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`payment` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_payment_customer` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`customer` (`customer_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE             |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`payment` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_payment_rental` FOREIGN KEY (`rental_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`rental` (`rental_id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE                     |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`payment` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_payment_staff` FOREIGN KEY (`staff_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`staff` (`staff_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                         |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`rental` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_rental_customer` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`customer` (`customer_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE               |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`rental` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_rental_inventory` FOREIGN KEY (`inventory_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`inventory` (`inventory_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE           |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`rental` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_rental_staff` FOREIGN KEY (`staff_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`staff` (`staff_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                           |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`staff` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_staff_address` FOREIGN KEY (`address_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`address` (`address_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                     |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`staff` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_staff_store` FOREIGN KEY (`store_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`store` (`store_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                             |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`store` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_store_address` FOREIGN KEY (`address_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`address` (`address_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                     |
| ALTER TABLE `sakila`.`store` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_store_staff` FOREIGN KEY (`manager_staff_id`) REFERENCES `sakila`.`staff` (`staff_id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE                     |

Most of the foreign key constraints use RESTRICT for DELETE (meaning you are not allowed to delete a parent row when children exist), and CASCADE for UPDATE (meaning changes to parent will propagate to children). This is good, since I want to test behavior of both RESTRICT and CASCADE.

Continue reading » “Impact of foreign keys absence on replicating slaves”

Webinar review: Zero-Downtime Schema Changes In MySQL

Yesterday I attended the Zero-Downtime Schema Changes In MySQL webinar by Baron Schwartz, Percona (do you say “attended” for something you listened to from your home office?)

I was keen to learn about possible enhancements and improvements of pt-online-schema-change over oak-online-alter-table. Here are my impressions:

The base logic of pt-online-schema-change is essentially the same as of oak-online-alter-table. You create a ghost/shadow table, create complex triggers, copy in chunks, freeze and swap. Both work on any type of PRIMARY KEY (oak-online-alter-table can work with any UNIQUE KEY, I’m not sure about pt-online-schema-change on this), be it an INTEGER, other type, or a multi column one.

However, pt-online-schema-change also adds the following:

  • It supports FOREIGN KEYs (to some extent). This is something I’ve wanted to do with oak-online-alter-table but never got around to it. Foreign keys are very tricky, as Baron noted. With child-side keys, things are reasonably manageable. With parent-side this becomes a nightmare, sometimes unsolvable (when I say “unsolvable”, I mean that under the constraint of having the operation run in a non-blocking, transparent way).
  • Chunk size is auto-calculated by the script. This is a cool addition. Instead of letting the user throwing out numbers like 1,000 rows per chunk, in the hope that this is neither too small nor too large, the tool monitors the time it takes a chunk to complete, then adjusts the size of next chunk accordingly. Hopefully this leads to a more optimized run, where locks are only held for very short periods, yet enough rows are being processed at a time.
  • The tool looks into replicating slaves to verify they’re up to the job. If the slave lags too far, the tool slows down the work. This is an excellent feature, and again, one that I always wanted to have. Great work!

So the three bullets above are what I understand to be the major advantages of Percona’s tool over oak-online-alter-table.

Q & A

The presentation itself was very good, and Baron answered some questions. There was one question he did not answer during the webinar, nor here, and I though I may pop in and answer it. Although I can’t speak for the coders of pt-online-schema-change, I safely assume that since the logic follows that of oak-online-alter-table, the same answer applies in the case of Percona’s toolkit. Continue reading » “Webinar review: Zero-Downtime Schema Changes In MySQL”

Installing MySQL from source/binary tarball as a Linux service

I’ve written before I prefer to do a manual install of MySQL over a repository one. I still do: I typically install from binary tarball or by compiling from source.

I’d like to share my setup procedure for Linux installation and service setup. I’ve done this dozens of times, on different Linux flavors, and it works well for me.

Installing from source

To get this straight: you sometimes have to compile the source files. I, for example, happen to use the Sphinx MySQLSE extension. You can only use it if compiled with MySQL. You had to compile a “vanilla” 5.1 version without query cache in order to completely remove the cache’s mutex contention.

Anyway, I find the easiest way is to install onto a path associated with the server version. For example, I would install a 5.5 server onto /usr/local/mysql55

This way, a new version gets its own path, and no ambiguity.

To do that, use the prefix option on configuration step:

cd /path/to/extracted/source/tarball
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql55
sudo make install

Once this is complete, you have everything under /usr/local/mysql55. This means binaries, libraries, scripts, etc.

To install the MySQL server as a service, copy the mysql.server script to /etc/init.d:

sudo cp /usr/local/mysql55/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql55

Again, I’m naming the script after the MySQL version. This avoids conflict with possible past or future installations of the MySQL server, which typically create a service named mysql or mysqld. Continue reading » “Installing MySQL from source/binary tarball as a Linux service”