The following script will report the largest InnoDB tables under the data directory: schema, table & length in bytes. The tables could be non-partitioned, in which case this is simply the size of the corresponding .ibd file, or they can be partitioned, in which case the reported size is the sum of all partition files. It is assumed tables reside in their own tablespace files, i.e. created with innodb_file_per_table=1.
( mysql_datadir=$(grep datadir /etc/my.cnf | cut -d "=" -f 2) cd $mysql_datadir for frm_file in $(find . -name "*.frm") do tbl_file=${frm_file//.frm/.ibd} table_schema=$(echo $frm_file | cut -d "/" -f 2) table_name=$(echo $frm_file | cut -d "/" -f 3 | cut -d "." -f 1) if [ -f $tbl_file ] then # unpartitioned table file_size=$(du -cb $tbl_file 2> /dev/null | tail -n 1) else # attempt partitioned innodb table tbl_file_partitioned=${frm_file//.frm/#*.ibd} file_size=$(du -cb $tbl_file_partitioned 2> /dev/null | tail -n 1) fi file_size=${file_size//total/} # Replace the below with whatever action you want to take, # for example, push the values into graphite. echo $file_size $table_schema $table_name done ) | sort -k 1 -nr | head -n 20
We use this to push table statistics to our graphite service; we keep an eye on table growth (we actually do not limit to top 20 but just monitor them all). File size does not report the real table data size (this can be smaller due to tablespace fragmentation). It does give the correct information if you’re concerned about disk space. For table data we also monitor SHOW TABLE STATUS / INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES, themselves being inaccurate. Gotta go by something.
Nice one Shlomi!
I’m already trying to wrap this script inside our environment and send the stats off through graphite.
How frequent are you running this script? Once a day? Or multiple times per day?
Hi Art,
We’re running this once per hour. I guess once per day is also fine; the more immediate catastrophes are caught by other, simpler metrics.
For completion, here’s how we push into graphite:
An updated version of this script, which also looks at MyISAM and ARCHIVE engine: