Common wrong Data Types compilation

During my work with companies using MySQL, I have encountered many issues with regard to schema design, normalization and indexing. Of the most common errors are incorrect data types definition. Many times the database is designed by programmers or otherwise non-expert DBAs. Some companies do not have the time and cannot spare the effort of redesigning and refactoring their databases, and eventually face poor performance issues.

Here’s a compilation of “the right and the wrong” data types.

  • INT(1) is not one byte long. INT(10) is no bigger than INT(2). The number in parenthesis is misleading, and only describes the text alignment of the number, when displayed in an interactive shell. All mentioned types are the same INT, have the same storage capacity, and the same range. If you want a one-byte INT, use TINYINT.
  • An integer PRIMARY KEY is preferable, especially if you’re using the InnoDB storage engine. If possible, avoid using VARCHAR as PRIMARY KEY. In InnoDB, this will make the clustered index deeper, secondary indexes larger (sometimes much larger) and look ups slower.
  • Do not use VARCHAR to represent timestamps. It may look like '2008-11-14 07:59:13' is a textual field, but in fact it’s just an integer counting the seconds elapsed from 1970-01-01. That’s 4 bytes vs. 19 if you’re using CHAR with ASCII charset, or more if you’re using UTF8 or VARCHAR.
  • Do not use VARCHAR to represent IPv4 addresses. This one is quite common. The IP can be represented with VARCHAR(15), true, but could be better represented with a 4-byte int. That’s what IPv4 is: four bytes. Use the INET_ATON() and INET_NTOA() functions to translate between the INT value and textual value.
  • This one should be obvious, but I’ve seen it in reality, where the schema was auto generated by some naive generator: do not represent numbers as text. Yes, I have seen integer columns represented by VARCHAR. Don’t ask how the performance was.
  • MD5() columns shouldn’t be VARCHAR. Use CHAR(32) instead. It’s always 32 bytes long, so no need for VARCHAR‘s additional byte overhead. If your tables or database are UTF8 by default, make sure the MD5 column’s charset is ASCII, or it will consume 96 bytes instead of just 32. I also suggest the case-sensitive ascii_bin collation, but that’s a more minor issue.
  • PASSWORD() columns shouldn’t be VARCHAR, but CHAR. The length depends on whether you’re using old-passwords variable (for some strange reason, this variable always appears in the MySQL sample configuration files – though you really don’t want it unless it’s for backward compatibility with older MySQL versions). As in the MD5 note, use ASCII charset.
  • Better use TIMESTAMP than INT to count seconds, as MySQL has many supportive functions for this data type.
  • Use TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT instead of INT when possible. Do you expect to have 4000000000 customers? No? Then a “id SMALLINT” may suffice as PRIMARY KEY.
  • Use CHARACTER SETs with care. More on this on future posts.

23 thoughts on “Common wrong Data Types compilation

  1. It seems that all the original arguments from shlomi where
    refuted. When it comes to IT if you have 5 people you most likely end up with 7 opinions!!! However the recommendation are still valid for a starting point the rest is preference.


  2. Hi Ann,

    Not really 🙂
    I stand corrected on hexadecimal values;
    IPv4 is still *very much* widespread;
    MEDIUMINT is undesired on InnoDB.

    The arguments are still very much valid. Not as starting point, but as start-to-end argument.

    (Though I am very much susceptible to error and will gladly stand corrected on any point I make)


  3. Hi,

    In my experience having smallint vs int was more to save space but does not necessarily influence performance at least not something noticeable. Many times I come across some white papers where people are trying to prove a point, I run the test and the method they are trying to prove wrong has better performance than the one they are in favor. I have done such test even with the white paper coming out of the company that created the software.

    Most of the time, the approach to design / architect databases or application depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what kind of usage the system will be for. Doing consulting for many many years, I’ve come across multiple approaches and styles and if sit down and analyze each one of them they all would have valid justification for their approach or design. It is funny but the more experienced I’ve gotten the less adamant and less critical I have become. This does not mean that I am in favor of carelessness and the obvious.



  4. Hi Ann,

    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    In two customer cases I’ve had, and in which we’ve changed data types throughout the schema, we’ve reached 50% savings in disk space, just due to proper data types + charsets.
    I personally see this as basic and important part for auditing.

    Obviously, there are other parameters to consider. But I think laying out the basics properly, gives boost to further steps.


  5. Hi, very interesting blog!
    I would ask: how about BIT(1) to store boolean value, for example for field as ‘active’, that can be true or false?

    Btw, thanks for this great post!

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