Checking for string permutation

A permutation is a change of places. Thus, ‘lolhe’ is a permuted ‘hello’ (commonly referred to as ‘scrambled text’).

I wish to present an SQL solution for checking if two strings are permutations of the same text.

About permutations

So, if ‘lolhe’ is a permutation of ‘hello’, then ‘hello’ is a permutation of ‘lolhe’, as well; and both are permutations of ‘elloh’. The REVERSE() of a text is an example of permutation. Mathematically, string permutation is an equivalence relation, and divides all strings to equivalence classes.

Use cases

  • We may be interested in permutations when a user chooses a password. We may disallow a password which is identical to the login name; but we may also disallow upper-lower-case-only transformations of the text. We may still disallow a permutation of the text.
  • On a slightly different scale, the two queries: SELECT * FROM City WHERE id IN (5, 21, 13) and SELECT * FROM City WHERE id IN (13, 5, 21) are identical. Here, the permutation is not with string characters, but with string tokens. While the solution discussed is targeted at string characters, it can be easily converted to work with string tokens.

Checking for permutation

The solution I’m suggesting checks for permutation between 2 strings by permuting both to a third, normal form. The two string are permutations of each other if both have the same normal form.

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Misimproving performance problems with INSERT DELAYED

INSERT DELAYED may come in handy when using MyISAM tables. It may in particular be useful for log tables, where one is required to issue frequent INSERTs on one hand, but does not usually want or need to wait for DB response on the other hand.

It may even offer some performance boost, by aggregating such frequent INSERTs in a single thread.

But it is NOT a performance solution.

That is, in a case I’ve seen, database performance was poor. INSERTs were taking a very long time. Lot’s of locks were involved. The solution offered was to change all slow INSERTs to INSERT DELAYED. Voila! All INSERT queries now completed in no time.

But the database performance remained poor. Just as poor as before, with the additional headache: nobody knew what caused the low performance.

Using INSERT DELAYED to improve overall INSERT performance is like sweeping the dust under the carpet. It’s still there, only you can’t actually see it. When your queries are slow to return, you know which queries or which parts of your application are the immediate suspects. When everything happens in the background you lose that feeling.

The slow query log, fortunately, still provides with the necessary information, and all the other metrics are just as before. Good. But it now takes a deeper level of analysis to find a problem that was previously in plain sight.

So: use INSERT DELAYED carefully, don’t just throw it at your slow queries like a magic potion.

mycheckpoint rev. 76: OS monitoring, auto deploy, brief HTML and 24/7 reports

Revision 76 of mycheckpoint comes with quite a few improvements, including:

  • OS monitoring (CPU, load average, memory)
  • Auto-deploy
  • Improved charting
  • Brief HTML reports
  • 24/7 charts

OS Monitoring

When monitoring the local machine, mycheckpoint now monitors CPU utilization, load average, memory and swap space.

This only applies to the Linux operating system; there is currently no plan to work this out for other operating systems.


mysql> SELECT os_cpu_utilization_percent FROM sv_report_chart_sample;

mysql> SELECT ts, os_loadavg FROM mycheckpoint.sv_report_sample;
| 2009-12-27 11:45:01 |       1.78 |
| 2009-12-27 11:50:01 |       2.48 |
| 2009-12-27 11:55:01 |       2.35 |
mysql> SELECT report FROM mycheckpoint.sv_report_human_sample ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Report period: 2009-12-27 13:20:01 to 2009-12-27 13:25:01. Period is 5 minutes (0.08 hours)
Uptime: 100.0% (Up: 334 days, 06:37:28 hours)

 Load average: 1.67
 CPU utilization: 25.2%
 Memory: 7486.4MB used out of 7985.6484MB (Active: 6685.8906MB)
 Swap: 3835.2MB used out of 8189.3750MB


mycheckpoint now has a version recognition mechanism. There is no need to call mycheckpoint with the “deploy” argument on first install or after upgrade. mycheckpoint will recognize a change of version and will auto-deploy before moving on to monitoring your system.

Continue reading » “mycheckpoint rev. 76: OS monitoring, auto deploy, brief HTML and 24/7 reports”