Simple guideline for choosing appropriate InnoDB PRIMARY KEYs

Risking some flames, I’d like to suggest only two options for choosing PRIMARY KEYs for InnoDB tables. I suggest they should cover 99% (throwing numbers around) of cases.


  1. An integer (SMALLINT / INT / BIGINT), possibly AUTO_INCREMENT column.
  2. The combination of two columns on a many-to-many connecting table (e.g. film_actor, which connects films to actors), the two columns being the PRIMARY KEYs of respective data tables. This rule may be extended to 3-way relation tables.

A short recap: an InnoDB must have a PRIMARY KEY. It will pick one if you don’t offer it. It can pick a really bad UNIQUE KEY (e.g. website_url(255)) or make one up using InnoDB internal row ids. If you don’t have a good candidate, an AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY is probably the easiest way out.

A 2-column combination for a many-to-many connection table is common and viable. The PRIMARY KEY will not only provide with good join access method, but will also provide with the required UNIQUE constraint.

An integer-based PRIMARY KEY will make for more compact & shallow index tree structures, which leads to less I/O and page reads.

An AUTO_INCREMENT will allow for ascending PRIMARY KEY order of INSERT, which is InnoDB-friendly: index pages will be more utilized, less fragmented. Continue reading » “Simple guideline for choosing appropriate InnoDB PRIMARY KEYs”

Thoughts and ideas for Online Schema Change

Here’s a few thoughts on current status and further possibilities for Facebook’s Online Schema Change (OSC) tool. I’ve had these thoughts for months now, pondering over improving oak-online-alter-table but haven’t got around to implement them nor even write them down. Better late than never.

The tool has some limitations. Some cannot be lifted, some could. Quoting from the announcement and looking at the code, I add a few comments. I conclude with a general opinion on the tool’s abilities.

“The original table must have PK. Otherwise an error is returned.”

This restriction could be lifted: it’s enough that the table has a UNIQUE KEY. My original oak-online-alter-table handled that particular case. As far as I see from their code, the Facebook code would work just as well with any unique key.

However, this restriction is of no real interest. As we’re mostly interested in InnoDB tables, and since any InnoDB table should have a PRIMARY KEY, we shouldn’t care too much.

“No foreign keys should exist. Otherwise an error is returned.”

Tricky stuff. With oak-online-alter-table, changes to the original table were immediately reflected in the ghost table. With InnoDB tables, that meant same transaction. And although I never got to update the text and code, there shouldn’t be a reason for not using child-side foreign keys (the child-side is the table on which the FK constraint is defined).

The Facebook patch works differently: it captures changes and writes them to a delta table,  to be later (asynchronously) analyzed and make for a replay of actions on the ghost table. Continue reading » “Thoughts and ideas for Online Schema Change”

How often should you use OPTIMIZE TABLE? – followup

This post follows up on Baron’s How often should you use OPTIMIZE TABLE?. I had the opportunity of doing some massive purging of data from large tables, and was interested to see the impact of the OPTIMIZE operation on table’s indexes. I worked on some production data I was authorized to provide as example.

The use case

I’ll present a single use case here. The table at hand is a compressed InnoDB table used for logs. I’ve rewritten some column names for privacy:

mysql> show create table logs \G

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `logs` (
 `name` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin NOT NULL,
 `origin` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin NOT NULL,
 `message` text NOT NULL,
 `level` tinyint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `s` char(16) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 KEY `s` (`s`),
 KEY `name` (`name`,`ts`),
 KEY `origin` (`origin`,`ts`)

The table had log records starting 2010-08-23 and up till 2010-09-02 noon. Table status: Continue reading » “How often should you use OPTIMIZE TABLE? – followup”