Another new year by Jewish calendar. What do I wish for the following year?
- World peace
- Good health to all
- Multi-core execution for queries
After having evaluated a few columnar databases, and having seen how a single query gets 24 cores busy, I can’t look at MySQL the same way again. The fact that a single query consumes a single core only doesn’t seem right in the year 2014. Shard-query is a cool application-level attempt to solve the above; I would like to see stuff like this implemented inside the server (or inside the storage engine where possible).
None of my wishes in previous years [2010], [2011], [2012], [2013] came true (and mostly gone worse). I’m still willing to settle for two out of three.
At least with multi-core, Firebird does support it since version 2.5, and with 3.0 it’s even better 🙂
Happy new year
What about this:
Or this…
The thread pool relates to aggregating multiple client connections on a single thread. I’m interested in running a single query on multiple cores. The two are unrelated.
I wonder what columnar databases you evaluated and what conclusion you came to ?