Useful sed / awk liners for MySQL

Listing some useful sed / awk liners to use with MySQL. I use these on occasion.

sed, awk & grep have many overlapping features. Some simple tasks can be performed by either. For example, stripping empty lines can be performed by either:

grep '.'
awk '/./'
sed '/./!d'
grep -v '^$'
awk '!/^$/'
sed '/^$/d'

It’s a matter of taste & convention which tool and variation to use. So for any script I suggest, there may be many variations, possibly cleaner, shorter; feel free to comment.


The output of mysqldump is in particular useful when one wishes to make transformation on data or metadata.

  • Convert MyISAM tables to InnoDB:
mysqldump | sed -e 's/^) ENGINE=MyISAM/) ENGINE=InnoDB/'

I’ve had several occasion when people said this type of conversion assumes no ‘ENGINE=MyISAM’ snippet exists within row data. This is not so. The ‘^) ENGINE=MyISAM/’ pattern strictly requires that this text is outside row data. No row data begins with a ‘)’. This is a safe conversion.

  • Convert InnoDB to InnoDB plugin, compressed tables:
  • Slice out a specific database (assumes existence of the USE statement):
sed -n "/^USE \`employees\`/,/^USE \`/p"
  • Slice out a specific table:
sed -n "/^-- Table structure for table \`departments\`/,/^-- Table structure for table/p"
  • Combine the above two statements to slice a specific table from a specific database:
sed -n "/^USE \`employees\`/,/^USE \`/p" | sed -n "/^-- Table structure for table \`departments\`/,/^-- Table structure for table/p"

See also On restoring a single table from mysqldump.


Some my.cnf files are just a mess to read. Here’s some normalizing scripts:

  • Strip a my.cnf file from comments, remove blank lines, normalize spaces:
cat my.sandbox.cnf | sed '/^#/d' | sed '/^$/d' | sed -e 's/[ \t]\+//g'
  • Same, but only present [mysqld] section parameters:
cat my.sandbox.cnf | sed -n '/^\[mysqld\]/,/^\[/p' | sed '/^\[/d' | sed '/^#/d' | sed '/^$/d' | sed -e 's/[ \t]\+//g'
  • Only present [mysqld] section parameters, tab delimited (this is useful in exporting and comparing instance parameters):
cat my.sandbox.cnf | sed -n '/^\[mysqld\]/,/^\[/p' | sed '/^\[/d' | sed '/^#/d' | sed '/^$/d' | sed -e 's/[ \t]\+//g' | sed -e 's/=/\t/'
  • Multi-word parameters in my.cnf can be written with either hyphens or underscores. innodb_file_per_table is the same as innodb-file-per-table, as well as innodb_file-per_table. The following normalizes the parameter names to using underscores only, keeping from changing values (e.g. ‘mysql-bin’ parameter value should not change). It isn’t pretty!
cat my.sandbox.cnf | awk -F "=" 'NF < 2 {print} sub("=", "=~placeholder~=") {print}' | awk -F "=~placeholder~=" 'NF < 2 {gsub("-", "_", $0); print} NF==2 {gsub("-", "_", $1); print $1 "=" $2}'
grep “.”
awk ‘/./’
sed ‘/./!d’
grep -v ‘^$’
awk ‘!/^$/’
sed ‘/^$/d’

10 thoughts on “Useful sed / awk liners for MySQL

  1. tx shlomi ,

    I found this one in my mailbox to found out updates in the slow log

    cat dumslow.log | grep -i -n1 “update” | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ | grep -v “update” | awk ‘{ toto += $1 } END { print toto }’

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