Speaking on Percona Live, London: “Programmatic Queries: things you can code with SQL”

I’ll be speaking at the Percona Live event, held in London, October 24, 25, 2011.

My session is called Programmatic Queries: things you can code with SQL. It’s a short 30 minute talk, in which I present underlying knowledge of the programmatic nature of SQL queries within MySQL, and how to take advantage of such knowledge so as to build faster, shorter, and sometimes unexpected queries.

This is not about stored routine programming, a classic programmatic aspect of MySQL, but rather about expected order of execution: of row evaluation, of control flow statements, of table inference, of time issues.

I have far too many examples, some real-world problem solvers, and some less common in daily use, to be able to deliver them all on this session. I will pick up those which seem most interesting to me, or those best presenting the programmatic nature of the query. As time allows I may add more examples, or look into interesting future possibilities.

I hope to see you there.

Views: better performance with condition pushdown

Justin’s A workaround for the performance problems of TEMPTABLE views post on mysqlperformanceblog.com reminded me of a solution I once saw on a customer’s site.

The customer was using nested views structure, up to depth of some 8-9 views. There were a lot of aggregations along the way, and even the simplest query resulted with a LOT of subqueries, temporary tables, and vast amounts of data, even if only to return with a couple of rows.

While we worked to solve this, a developer showed me his own trick. His trick is now impossible to implement, but there’s a hack around this.

Let’s use the world database to illustrate. Look at the following view definition: Continue reading » “Views: better performance with condition pushdown”

EXPLAIN: missing db info

I’m further developing a general log hook, which can stream queries from the general log.

A particular direction I’m taking is to filter queries by their type of actions. For example, the tool (oak-hook-general-log) can be instructed to only stream out those queries which involve creation of a temporary table; or those which cause for a filesort, or full index scan, etc.

This is done by evaluating of query execution plans on the fly. I suspect the MySQL query analyzer roughly does the same (as a small part of what it does).

It’s almost nothing one cannot do with sed/awk. However, I bumped into a couple of problems:

  1. The general log (and the mysql.general_log table, in  particular) does not indicate the particular database one is using for the query. Since slow log does indicate this data, I filed a bug on this. I currently solve this by crossing connection id with the process list, where the current database is listed. It’s shaky, but mostly works.
  2. Just realized: there’s no DB info in the EXPLAIN output! It’s weird, since I’ve been EXPLAINing queries for years now. But I’ve always had the advantage of knowing the schema used: either because I was manually executing the query on a known schema, or mk-query-digest was kind enough to let me know.

Continue reading » “EXPLAIN: missing db info”

Things to monitor on MySQL, the user’s perspective

Working on mycheckpoint, I have the intention of adding custom monitoring. That is, letting the user define things to monitor. I have my own thoughts, I would be grateful to get more input!

What would the user want to monitor?

Monitoring for the number of SELECT statements per second, InnoDB locks, slave replication lag etc. is very important, and monitoring utilities provide with this information. But what does that tell the end user? Not much.

The experienced DBA may gain a lot. The user would be more interested in completely other kind of information. In between, some information is relevant to both.

Say we were managing an on-line store. We want to monitor the health of the database. But the health of the database is inseparable from the health of the application. I mean, having little to no disk usage is fine, unless… something is wrong with the application, which leads to no new purchases.

And so a user would be interested in monitoring the number of purchases per hour, or the time passed since last successful purchase. This kind of data can only be generated by a user’s specific query. Looking at the charts, the user would then feel safer and confident in the wellness of his store app.

Continue reading » “Things to monitor on MySQL, the user’s perspective”

SQL: Ranking without self join

The common way of solving the classic SQL problem of ranking, involves a  self join. I wish to present a different solution, which only iterates the table once, and provides the same output.

The ranking problem

Given a table with names and scores (e.g. students exams scores), add rank for each row, such that the rank identifies her position among other rows. Rows with identical scores should receive the same rank (e.g. both contenders got the silver medal).

Consider the following table (download score.sql):

mysql> select * from score;
| score_id | student_name | score |
|        1 | Wallace      |    95 |
|        2 | Gromit       |    97 |
|        3 | Shaun        |    85 |
|        4 | McGraw       |    92 |
|        5 | Preston      |    92 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

We wish to present ranks in some way similar to:

| score_id | student_name | score | rank |
|        2 | Gromit       |    97 |    1 |
|        1 | Wallace      |    95 |    2 |
|        4 | McGraw       |    92 |    3 |
|        5 | Preston      |    92 |    3 |
|        3 | Shaun        |    85 |    4 |

Continue reading » “SQL: Ranking without self join”

7 ways to convince MySQL to use the right index

Sometimes MySQL gets it wrong. It doesn’t use the right index.

It happens that MySQL generates a query plan which is really bad (EXPLAIN says it’s going to explore some 10,000,000 rows), when another plan (soon to show how was generated) says: “Sure, I can do that with 100 rows using a key”.

A true story

A customer had issues with his database. Queries were taking 15 minutes to complete, and the db in general was not responsive. Looking at the slow query log, I found the criminal query. Allow me to bring you up to speed:

A table is defined like this:

  level TINYINT unsigned,
  KEY `type` (type)

The offending query was this:

WHERE type=12345 AND level > 3

The facts were:

  • `t` has about 10,000,000 rows.
  • The index on `type` is selective: about 100 rows per value on average.
  • The query took a long time to complete.
  • EXPLAIN has shown that MySQL uses the PRIMARY KEY, hence searches 10,000,000 rows, filtered “using where”.
  • The other EXPLAIN has shown that by using the `type` key, only 110 rows are expected, to be filtered “using where”, then sorted “using filesort”

So MySQL acknowledged it was generating the wrong plan. The other plan was better by its own standards.

Solving the problem

Let’s walk through 7 ways to solve the problem, starting with the more aggressive solutions, refining to achieve desired behavior through subtle changes. Continue reading » “7 ways to convince MySQL to use the right index”

Two storage engines; different plans, Part II

In Part I of this article, we have seen how the internal structure of the storage engine’s index can affect an execution plan. We’ve seen that some plans are inherent to the way engines are implemented.

We wish to present a second scenario in which execution plans vary for different storage engines. Again, we will consider MyISAM and InnoDB. Again, we will use the world database for testing. This time, we will see how confident the storage engines are in their index search capabilities.

Many newcomers to databases often believe that an index search is always preferable to full table scan. This is not the case. If I were to look for 10 rows in a 1,000,000 rows table, using an indexed column – I could benefit from an index search. However, if I’m looking for 200,000 rows on that table (that’s 20% of the rows) – an index search can actually be much more expensive than a full table scan. Continue reading » “Two storage engines; different plans, Part II”

Two storage engines; different plans, Part I

A popping question is: “Can an execution plan change for different storage engines?”

The answer is “Yes”. I will present two such cases, where the MySQL optimizer will choose different execution plans, based on our choice of storage engine.

We will consider MyISAM and InnoDB, the two most popular engines. The two differ in many respects, and in particular, the way they implement indexes and statistics: two major players in the optimizer’s point of view. Continue reading » “Two storage engines; different plans, Part I”