MySQL Global status difference using single query

Have just read MySQL Global status difference using MySQL procedures / functions, by Andres Karlsson. Have commented, but realized I did not provide with a direct answer. In the comment, I suggested checking out a solution based on views, found in common_schema. But the solution in common_schema is split into two views, due to the fact views cannot handle derived tables subqueries.

Well, here’s a single query to do that: it checks GLOBAL_STATUS twice, 10 seconds apart in the following sample. It uses SLEEP() to actually wait between the two reads. Yes, you can do that with a query.

The following query shows all GLOBAL_STATUS values that have changed during the sample period.

[UPDATE] query updated to work with MySQL 5.6 optimizer Continue reading » “MySQL Global status difference using single query”

Announcing common_schema: common views & routines for MySQL

Today I have released common_schema, a utility schema for MySQL which includes many views and functions, and is aimed to be installed on any MySQL server.

What does it do?

There are views answering for all sorts of useful information: stuff related to schema analysis, data dimensions, monitoring, processes & transactions, security, internals… There are basic functions answering for common needs.

Some of the views/routines simply formalize those queries we tend to write over and over again. Others take the place of external tools, answering complex questions via SQL and metadata. Still others help out with SQL generation.

Here are a few highlights:

There’s more. Take a look at the common_schema documentation for full listing. And it’s evolving: I’ve got quite a few ideas already for future components.

Some of these views rely on heavyweight INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. You should be aware of the impact and risks.

What do I need to install?

There’s no script or executable file. It’s just a schema. The distribution in an SQL file which generates common_schema. Much like a dump file.

Continue reading » “Announcing common_schema: common views & routines for MySQL”


Following up on MySQL security: inconsistencies, and on MySQL bug #61596, I was thinking it may take a long time till the non-existent ROUTINE_PRIVILEGES view is implemented. Here’s my own implementation of the view.

I’ve followed the somewhat strange conventions used in the *_PRIVILEGES tables in INFORMATION_SCHEMA, where the IS_GRANTABLE is a separate column, although in 2nd 1st normal form.

I present it here as a query, using session variables, rather than a view definition: Continue reading » “ROUTINE_PRIVILEGES implementation”

MySQL security: inconsistencies

Doing some work with MySQL security, I’ve noticed a few inconsistencies. They’re mostly not-too-terrible for daily work, except they get in my way right now.

The ALL PRIVILEGES inconsistency

The preferred way of assigning account privileges in MySQL is by way of using GRANT.

With GRANT, one assigns one or more privileges to an account, such as SELECT, UPDATE, ALTER, SUPER ,etc. Sometimes it makes sense for an account to have complete control over a domain. For example, the root account is typically assigned with all privileges. Or, some user may require all possible privileges on a certain schema.

Instead of listing the entire set of privileges, the ALL PRIVILEGES meta-privilege can be used. There is a fine issue to notice here; typically this is not a problem, but I see it as a flaw. Assume the following account:

root@mysql-5.1.51> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON world.* TO 'world_user'@'localhost';

root@mysql-5.1.51> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'world_user'@'localhost';
| Grants for world_user@localhost                               |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'world_user'@'localhost'                |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `world`.* TO 'world_user'@'localhost' |

This makes sense. We granted ALL PRIVILEGES and we see that the account is granted with ALL PRIVILEGES.

Now notice the following: Continue reading » “MySQL security: inconsistencies”

Checking for AUTO_INCREMENT capacity with single query

Darn! This means oak-show-limits becomes redundant. Am I not supposed to speak about it on my coming presentation? Bad timing!

You have AUTO_INCREMENT columns. How far are you pushing the limits? Are you going to run out of AUTO_INCREMENT values soon? Perhaps you wonder whether you should ALTER from INT to BIGINT?

The answer is all there in INFORMATION_SCHEMA. The TABLES table shows the current AUTO_INCREMENT value per table, and the COLUMNS table tells us all about a column’s data type.

It takes some ugly code to deduce the maximum value per column type, what with signed/unsigned and data type, but then its very simple. Here is the query: Continue reading » “Checking for AUTO_INCREMENT capacity with single query”

Thoughts and ideas for Online Schema Change

Here’s a few thoughts on current status and further possibilities for Facebook’s Online Schema Change (OSC) tool. I’ve had these thoughts for months now, pondering over improving oak-online-alter-table but haven’t got around to implement them nor even write them down. Better late than never.

The tool has some limitations. Some cannot be lifted, some could. Quoting from the announcement and looking at the code, I add a few comments. I conclude with a general opinion on the tool’s abilities.

“The original table must have PK. Otherwise an error is returned.”

This restriction could be lifted: it’s enough that the table has a UNIQUE KEY. My original oak-online-alter-table handled that particular case. As far as I see from their code, the Facebook code would work just as well with any unique key.

However, this restriction is of no real interest. As we’re mostly interested in InnoDB tables, and since any InnoDB table should have a PRIMARY KEY, we shouldn’t care too much.

“No foreign keys should exist. Otherwise an error is returned.”

Tricky stuff. With oak-online-alter-table, changes to the original table were immediately reflected in the ghost table. With InnoDB tables, that meant same transaction. And although I never got to update the text and code, there shouldn’t be a reason for not using child-side foreign keys (the child-side is the table on which the FK constraint is defined).

The Facebook patch works differently: it captures changes and writes them to a delta table,  to be later (asynchronously) analyzed and make for a replay of actions on the ghost table. Continue reading » “Thoughts and ideas for Online Schema Change”

Verifying GROUP_CONCAT limit without using variables

I have a case where I must know if group_concat_max_len is at its default value (1024), which means there are some operation I cannot work out. I’ve ranted on this here.

Normally, I would simply:

SELECT @@group_concat_max_len

However, I am using views, where session variables are not allowed. Using a stored function can do the trick, but I wanted to avoid stored routines. So here’s a very simple test case: is the current group_concat_max_len long enough or not? I’ll present the long version and the short version.

The long version


If the result is 1024, we are in a bad shape. I happen to know that the total length of collation names is above 1800, and so it is trimmed down. Another variance of the above query would be: Continue reading » “Verifying GROUP_CONCAT limit without using variables”

How to calculate a good InnoDB log file size – recap

Following Baron Schwartz’ post: How to calculate a good InnoDB log file size, which shows how to make an estimate for the InnoDB log file size, and based on SQL: querying for status difference over time, I’ve written a query to run on MySQL 5.1, which, upon sampling 60 seconds of status, estimates the InnoDB transaction log bytes that are expected to be written in the period of 1 hour.

Recap: this information can be useful if you’re looking for a good innodb_log_file_size value, such that will not pose too much I/O (smaller values will make for more frequent flushes), not will make for a too long recovery time (larger values mean more transactions to recover upon crash).

It is assumed that the 60 seconds period represents an average system load, not some activity spike period. Edit the sleep time and factors as you will to sample longer or shorter periods. Continue reading » “How to calculate a good InnoDB log file size – recap”

SQL: querying for status difference over time

The InnoDB plugin has a nice INFORMATION_SCHEMA concept: resetting tables. For example, the INNODB_CMP table lists information about compression operation. A similar table, INNODB_CMP_RESET, provides the same information, but resets the values. The latter can be used to measure, for example, number of compression operations over time.

I wish to present a SQL trick which does the same, without need for resetting tables. Suppose you have some status table, and you wish to measure the change in status per second, per minute etc. The trick is to query for the value twice in the same query, with some pause in between, and make the difference calculation.

For sake of simplicity, I’ll demonstrate using 5.1’s INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS. Please refer to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS: watch out for some discussion on this.

Continue reading » “SQL: querying for status difference over time”


MySQL 5.1 boasts some new and useful INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. Among them is the GLOBAL_STATUS table.

At last, it is possible to ask questions like:

| INNODB_OS_LOG_WRITTEN | 512            |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| QUESTIONS     | 28             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Watch out #1

As with all INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, to get a single row one needs to materialize the entire table. To ask the above two questions, the table will materialize twice. This means gathering all the information — twice. To get 20 values, we materialize the table 20 times. It not only takes time, but also increases some of the status variables themselves, like questions, select_scan, created_tmp_tables. Ironically, when we used SHOW GLOBAL STATUS and had to parse the results in our application code, we only issued the query once. But with the convenience of INFORMATION_SCHEMA, it’s much easier (and makes more sense!) to query per variable.

Continue reading » “INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS: watch out”