The problem with MySQL foreign key constraints in Online Schema Changes

This post explains the inherent problem of running online schema changes in MySQL, on tables participating in a foreign key relationship. We’ll lay some ground rules and facts, sketch a simplified schema, and dive into an online schema change operation.

Our discussion applies to pt-online-schema-change, gh-ost, and Vitess based migrations, or any other online schema change tool that works with a shadow/ghost table like the Facebook tools.

Why Online Schema Change?

Online schema change tools come as workarounds to an old problem: schema migrations in MySQL were blocking, uninterruptible, aggressive in resources, replication unfriendly. Running a straight ALTER TABLE in production means locking your table, generating high load on the primary, causing massive replication lag on replicas once the migration moves down the replication stream.

Isn’t there some Online DDL?

Yes. InnoDB supports Online DDL, where for many ALTER types, your table remains unblocked throughout the migration. That’s an important improvement, but unfortunately not enough. Some migration types do not permit concurrent DDL (notably changing column data type, e.g. from INT to BIGINT). Migration is still aggressive and generates high load on your server. Replicas still run the migration sequentially. If your migration takes 5 hours to run concurrently on the primary, expect a 5 hour replication lag on your replica, i.e. complete loss of your fresh read capacity.

Isn’t there some Instant DDL?

Yes. But unfortunately extremely limited. Mostly just for adding a new column. See here or again here. Instant DDLs showed great promise when introduced (contributed to MySQL by Tencent Games DBA Team) three years ago, and the hope was that MySQL would support many more types of ALTER TABLE in INSTANT DDL. At this time this has not happened yet, and we do with what we have.

Not everyone is Google or Facebook scale, right?

True. But you don’t need to to be Google, or Facebook, or GitHub etc. scale to feel the pain of schema changes. Any non trivially sized table takes time to ALTER, which results with lock/downtime. If your tables are limited to hundreds or mere thousands of small rows, you can get away with it. When your table grows, and a mere dozens of MB of data is enough, ALTER becomes non-trivial at best case, and outright a cause of outage in a common scenario, in my experience.

Let’s discuss foreign key constraints

In the relational model tables have relationships. A column in one table indicates a column in another table, so that a row in one table has a relationship one or more rows in another table. That’s the “foreign key”. A foreign key constraint is the enforcement of that relationship. A foreign key constraint is a database construct which watches over rows in different tables and ensures the relationship does not break. For example, it may prevent me from deleting a row that is in a relationship, to prevent the related row(s) from becoming orphaned. Continue reading » “The problem with MySQL foreign key constraints in Online Schema Changes”

Reading RBR binary logs with pt-query-digest

For purposes of auditing anything that goes on our servers we’re looking to parse the binary logs of all servers (masters), as with “Anemomaster“. With Row Based Replication this is problematic since pt-query-digest does not support parsing RBR binary logs (true for 2.2.12, latest at this time).

I’ve written a simple script that translates RBR logs to SBR-like logs, with a little bit of cheating. My interest is that pt-query-digest is able to capture and count the queries, nothing else. By doing some minimal text manipulation on the binary log I’m able to now feed it to pt-query-digest which seems to be happy.

The script of course does not parse the binary log directly; furthermore, it requires the binary log to be extracted via:

mysqlbinlog --verbose --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS your-mysql-binlog-filemame.000001

The above adds the interpretation of the RBR entires in the form of (unconventional) statements, commented, and strips out the cryptic RBR text. All that is left is to do a little manipulation on entry headers and uncomment the interpreted queries.

The script can be found in my gist repositories. Current version is as follows: Continue reading » “Reading RBR binary logs with pt-query-digest”

Converting an OLAP database to TokuDB, part 2: the process of migration

This is a second in a series of posts describing our experience in migrating a large DWH server to TokuDB. This post discusses the process of migration itself.

As a quick recap (read part 1 here), we have a 2TB compressed InnoDB (4TB uncompressed) based DWH server. Space is running low, and we’re looking at TokuDB for answers. Early experiments show that TokuDB’s compression could make a good impact on disk space usage. I’m still not discussing performance — keeping this till later post.

Those with weak hearts can skip right to the end, where we finally have a complete conversion. You can also peek at the very end to find out how much 4TB uncompressed InnoDB data is worth in TokuDB. But you might want to read through. The process was not smooth, and not as expected (it’s a war story thing). Throughout the migration we got a lot of insight on TokuDB’s behaviour, limitations, conveniences, inconveniences and more.

Disclosure: I have no personal interests and no company interests; throughout the process we were in touch with Tokutek engineers, getting free, friendly & professional advice and providing with input of our own. Most of this content has already been presented to Tokutek throughout the process. TokuDB is open source and free to use, though commercial license is also available.

How do you convert 4TB worth of data to TokuDB?

Obviously one table at a time. But we had another restriction: you may recall I took a live slave for the migration process. And we wanted to end the process with a live slave. So the restriction was: keep it replicating!

How easy would that be? Based on our initial tests, I extrapolated over 20 days of conversion from InnoDB to TokuDB. Even with one table at a time, our largest table was expected to convert in some 12-14 days. Can we retain 14 days of binary logs on a server already running low on disk space? If only I knew then what I know today 🙂 Continue reading » “Converting an OLAP database to TokuDB, part 2: the process of migration”

Re: MySQL 5.1 vs. MySQL 5.5: Floats, Doubles, and Scientific Notation

Reading Sheeri’s MySQL 5.1 vs. MySQL 5.5: Floats, Doubles, and Scientific Notation, I was baffled at this change of floating point number notation.

However, I was also concerned about the final action taken: using “–ignore-columns” to avoid comparing the FLOAT/DOUBLE types.

The –float-precision option for pt-table-checksum currently only uses ROUND() so as to disregard minor rounding issues. But it can very easily extend to handle the difference in floating point notation. Consider again the problem:

mysql> create table tf(f float);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

mysql> insert into tf values(0.0000958084);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql-5.1> select * from tf;
| f           |
| 9.58084e-05 |

mysql-5.5> select * from tf;
| f            |
| 0.0000958084 |

How can we normalize the notation?

Easily: CAST it as DECIMAL. Consider: Continue reading » “Re: MySQL 5.1 vs. MySQL 5.5: Floats, Doubles, and Scientific Notation”