Refactoring replication topology with Pseudo GTID

This post describes in detail the method of using Pseudo GTID to achieve unplanned replication topology changes, i.e. connecting two arbitrary slaves, or recovering from a master failure even as all its slaves are hanging in different positions.

Please read Pseudo GTID and Pseudo GTID, RBR as introduction.

Consider the following case: the master dies unexpectedly, and its three slaves are all hanging, not necessarily at same binary log file/position (network broke down while some slaves managed to salvage more entries into their relay logs than others)


(Did you notice the “Candidate for master” message? To be discussed shortly)


With GTID each transaction (and entry in the binary log) is associated with a unique mark — the Global Transaction ID. Just pick the slave with the most advanced GTID to be the next master, and just CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=’chosen_slave’ on the other slaves, and everything magically works. A slave knows which GTID it has already processed, and can look that entry on its master’s binary logs, resuming replication on the one that follows.

How does that work? The master’s binary logs are searched for that GTID entry. I’m not sure how brute-force this is, since I’m aware of a subtlety which requires brute-force scan of all binary logs; I don’t actually know if it’s always like that.

Pseudo GTID

We can mimick that above, but our solution can’t be as fine grained. With the injection of Pseudo GTID we mark the binary log for unique entries. But instead of having a unique identifier for every entry, we have a unique identifier for every second, 10 seconds, or what have you, with otherwise normal, non-unique entries in between our Pseudo GTID entries.

Recognizing which slave is more up to date

Given two slaves, which is more up to date?

  • If both replicate(d) from same master, a SHOW SLAVE STATUS comparison answers (safe method: wait till SQL thread catches up with broken IO thread, compare relay_master_log_file, exec_master_log_pos on both machines). This is the method by which the above “Candidate for master” message is produced.
  • If one is/was descendent of the other, then obviously it is less advanced or equals its ancestor.
  • Otherwise we’re unsure – still solvable via bi-directional trial & error, as explained later on.

For now, let’s assume we know which slave is more up to date (has received and executed more relay logs). Let’s call it S1, whereas the less up-to-date will be S2. This will make our discussion simpler. Continue reading » “Refactoring replication topology with Pseudo GTID”

Pseudo GTID

Pseudo GTID is a method to implement a GTID-like solution where slaves are easily connected to one another. This blog post and the following ones will describe work in progress (some 80% completed), where simulation of GTID makes for a good enough basis for refactoring replication topologies. I’m coding this in orchestrator, which already provides a substantial infrastructure support for this.

The final goal: orchestrator will allow you to move a slave below another, using only the data available by those two slaves. The usage is obvious:

  • Easy master failover (master dead? Orchestrator will choose the most advanced slave to promote and make it master of its siblings)
  • Slave promotion in complex topologies (with deep nested topologies, be able to move a slave up the hierarchy even if its local master is corrupted).

This can all happen with your normal, non GTID, MySQL replication, using your normal binary log files & positions.

This work in progress is inspired by Sam Lambert at GitHub, who has worked on a similar solution with different implementation. I also recall discussions with other DBAs having similar solution.

Pseudo GTID

First thing’s first, the basis for proposed solution is a pseudo-GTID. A unique entry in the binary logs (not necessarily sequential; not necessarily in ascending order). While in GTID implementations we have a unique identifier for each entry in the binary log, with pseudo-GTID we accept an occasional (or frequent) unique entry in the binary log.

There are many ways to do so. Certainly a client can generate a unique Id and invoke some statement on MySQL involving that ID. That would serve as valid grounds for the proposed solution. But I like things to be contained within MySQL. Consider, for example, the following event, which would be my preferred choice in Statement Based Replication (for RBR solution, see next post):

drop table if exists test.pseudo_gtid;
create table if not exists test.pseudo_gtid (
  id int unsigned not null primary key,
  ts timestamp,
  gtid varchar(64) charset ascii

drop event if exists test.update_pseudo_gtid_event;

delimiter ;;
create event if not exists
  on schedule every 10 second starts current_timestamp
  on completion preserve
      set @pseudo_gtid := uuid();
      insert into test.pseudo_gtid (id, ts, gtid) values (1, NOW(), @pseudo_gtid) on duplicate key update ts=NOW(), gtid=VALUES(gtid);

delimiter ;

The above is based on Making UUID() and RAND() replication safe. What do we get? Once in 10 seconds (or what have you), a unique entry is written to the binary log.

Continue reading » “Pseudo GTID”