orchestrator 1.2.1 BETA is released. This version supports Pseudo GTID, and provides one with powerful refactoring of one’s replication topologies, even across failed instances.
Depicted: moving a slave up the topology even though its local master is inaccessible
Enabling Pseudo-GTID
You will need to:
- Inject a periodic unique entry onto your binary logs
- Configure orchestrator to recognize said entry.
Pseudo GTID injection example
We will use the event scheduler (must be enabled) to inject an entry every 10 seconds, recognized both in statement-based and row-based replication.
create database if not exists meta; drop event if exists meta.create_pseudo_gtid_view_event; delimiter ;; create event if not exists meta.create_pseudo_gtid_view_event on schedule every 10 second starts current_timestamp on completion preserve enable do begin set @pseudo_gtid := uuid(); set @_create_statement := concat('create or replace view meta.pseudo_gtid_view as select \'', @pseudo_gtid, '\' as pseudo_gtid_unique_val from dual'); PREPARE st FROM @_create_statement; EXECUTE st; DEALLOCATE PREPARE st; end ;; delimiter ; set global event_scheduler := 1;
Make sure to enable event_scheduler in your my.cnf config file.
An entry in the binary logs would look like this:
mysql [localhost] {msandbox} (meta) > show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000002' LIMIT 2,1; +------------------+-----+------------+-----------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Log_name | Pos | Event_type | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info | +------------------+-----+------------+-----------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mysql-bin.000002 | 388 | Query | 1 | 669 | use `meta`; CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`msandbox`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `pseudo_gtid_view` AS select '2f6ad653-5db3-11e4-b91d-3c970ea31ea8' as pseudo_gtid_unique_val from dual | +------------------+-----+------------+-----------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The above entry will be unique, and orchestrator will be able to find it in the binary log if configured with:
{ ... "PseudoGTIDPattern": "CREATE OR REPLACE .*? VIEW `pseudo_gtid_view` AS select" }
The value of “PseudoGTIDPattern” is a regular expression which must match the Pseudo GTID entries in the binary log, and nothing but those entries.
This is BETA quality; though I have high confidence in its safety: the process of matching the binary log entries makes for a self-validating mechanism. The process will abort on any mismatch or uncertainty.
Still there can be use cases I haven’t encountered yet. You input is appreciated!
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