Thoughts on MaxScale automated failover (and Orchestrator)

Having attended a talk (as part of the MariaDB Developer Meeting in Amsterdam) about recent developments of MaxScale in executing automated failovers, here are some (late) observations of mine.

I will begin by noting that the project is stated to be pre-production, and so of course none of the below are complaints, but rather food for thought, points for action and otherwise recommendations.

Some functionality of the MaxScale failover is also implemented by orchestrator, which I author. Orchestrator was built in production environments by and for operational people. In this respect it has gained many insights and had to cope with many real-world cases, special cases & Murphy’s law cases. This post compares logic, feature set and capabilities of the two where relevant. To some extent the below will read as “hey, I’ve already implemented this; shame to re-implement the same”, and indeed I think that way; but it wouldn’t be the first time a code of mine would just be re-implemented by someone else and I’ve done the same, myself.

I’m describing the solution the way I understood it from the talk. If I’m wrong on any account I’m happy to be corrected via comments below. Edit: please see comment by Dipti Joshi

General overview

The idea is that MaxScale operates as a proxy to your topology. You do not connect to your master directly, but rather through MaxScale. Thus, MaxScale acts as a proxy to your master.

The next phase is that MaxScale would also auto-detect master failure, fix the topology for you, promote a new master, and will have your application unaware of all the complexity and without the app having to change setup/DNS/whatever. Of course some write downtime is implied.

Now for some breakdown.


The detection of a dead master, the check by which a failover is initiated, is based on MaxScale not being able to query the master. This calls for some points for consideration:

  • Typically, I would see “I can’t connect to the master therefore failover” as too hysterical, and the basis for a lot of false positives.
  • However, since in the discussed configuration MaxScale is the only access point to the master, the fact MaxScale cannot connect to the master means the master is inaccessible de-facto.
  • In light of the above, the decision makes sense – but I still hold that it would make false positives.
  • I’m unsure (I think not; can anyone comment?) if MaxScale would make multiple attempts over time and only reach the conclusion after X successive failures. This would reduce the false positives.
  • I’m having a growing dislike to a “check for 4 successive times then alert/failover” Nagios-style behavior. Orchestrator takes a different approach where it recognizes a master’s death by not being able to connect to the master as well as being able to connect to 1st tier slaves, check their status and observe that they’re unable to connect to the master as well. See What makes a MySQL server failure/recovery case?. This approach still calls for further refinement (what if the master is temporarily deadlocked? Is this a failover or not?).

Continue reading » “Thoughts on MaxScale automated failover (and Orchestrator)”

Problems with MMM for MySQL

I recently encountered troubling issues with MMM for MySQL deployments, leading me to the decision to cease using it on production.

At the very same day I started writing about it, Baron published What’s wrong with MMM?. I wish to present the problems I encountered and the reasons I find MMM is flawed. In a period of two weeks, two different deployments presented me with 4 crashes, in 3 different scenarios.

In all the following scenarios, there is an Active/Passive Master-Master deployment, with one VIP (virtual IP) set for writer role, one VIP set for reader role.

Problem #1: unjustified failover, broken replication

Unjustified failover must be the common scenario. It’s also a scenario I can live with. A few seconds of downtime are OK with me once in a couple of months.

But on two different installations, a few days apart, I had two seemingly unjustified failovers followed by a troubling issue: replication got broken. Continue reading » “Problems with MMM for MySQL”

MMM for MySQL single reader role

The standard documentation and tutorials on MMM for MySQL, for master-master replication setup, suggest one Virtual IP for the writer role, and two Virtual IPs for the reader role. It can be desired to only have a single virtual IP for the reader role, as explained below.

The two IPs for the reader role

A simplified excerpt from the mmm_common.conf sample configuration file, as can be found on the project’s site and which is most quoted: Continue reading » “MMM for MySQL single reader role”