Experimenting with 5.6 InnoDB Online DDL (bugs included)

MySQL 5.6 offers the groundbreaking online DDL operations for InnoDB. Most common use cases will enjoy this feature, and the need for online alter table scripts will decrease. This is a killer feature!

I’ve put this new feature to the usability test. How did it go? Not too well, I’m afraid.

[Updates to this text inline], also see this followup.

sakila & DDL

sakila is still a very useful database. I say “still” because it is not very large, and computing power is getting stronger; yet on my laptop some operations can still take many seconds to complete, which is just fine for my tests.

Sakila tables are mostly InnoDB, and rental being the largest, I do:

node1 (sakila) > alter table sakila.rental engine=InnoDB;
Query OK, 16044 rows affected (6.94 sec)
Records: 16044  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

So what can be executed during these 6.94 seconds? In a second terminal, I try the following: Continue reading » “Experimenting with 5.6 InnoDB Online DDL (bugs included)”

Thoughts on MySQL 5.6 new replication features

After playing a little bit with MySQL 5.6 (RC), and following closely on Giuseppe’s MySQL 5.6 replication gotchas (and bugs), I was having some thoughts.

These are shared for a few reasons:

  • Maybe I didn’t understand it well, and someone could correct me
  • Or I understood it well, and my input could be of service to the developers
  • Or it could be of service to the users

InnoDB tables in mysql schema

The introduction of InnoDB tables in mysql makes for crash-safe replication information: the exact replication position (master log file+pos, relay log file+pos etc.) is updated on InnoDB tables; with innodb_flush_logs_at_trx_commit=1 this means replication status is durable and consistent with server data. This is great news!

However, the introduction of InnoDB tables to the mysql schema also breaks some common usage on installation and setup of MySQL servers. You can’t just drop your ib_data1 file upon dump+restore, since it also contains internal data. Giuseppe outlines the workaround for that.

I was thinking: would it be possible to have a completely different tablespace for MySQL’s internal InnoDB tables? That could be a single tablespace file (who cares about file-per-table on a few internal tables). And I’m throwing an idea without being intimate with the internals: you know how it is possible to span the shared tablespace across multiple files, as in: Continue reading » “Thoughts on MySQL 5.6 new replication features”

MySQL 5.6 new features: the user’s perspective

This is a yet-another compilation of the new MySQL 5.6 feature set. It is not a complete drill down. This list reflects what I believe to be the interesting new features user and usability -wise.

For example, I won’t be listing InnoDB’s split of kernel mutex. I’m assuming it can have a great impact on overall performance due to reducing lock contention; but usability-wise, this is very internal.

The complication is an aggregate of the many announcements and other complications published earlier on. See a reference at the end of this post.

Do note I am not using 5.6 as yet; it is in RC, not GA. I am mostly excited just to write down this list.


  • Online ALTER TABLE: if there is one major new feature in 5.6 you would want to upgrade for, this would be it. Add columns, drop columns, rename columns, add indexes, drop indexes – now online, while your SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements are running.
  • Transportable tablespace files: copy+paste your_table.ibd files with FLUSH TABLE FOR EXPORT and ALTER TABLE … IMPORT TABLESPACE.
  • FULLTEXT: for many, the one thing holding them back from leaving MyISAM behind. Now available in InnoDB with same syntax as with MyISAM.
  • Memcached API: access InnoDB data via memcahced protocol, and skip the SQL interface.
  • User defined table location: place your tables in your pre-defined location. Place other tables elsewhere. This is something I’ve been asked about for ages.

Continue reading » “MySQL 5.6 new features: the user’s perspective”

Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required, part II

This post continues Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required, part I, where I describe way of converting your single-tablespace InnoDB database into a file-per-table one, without the pain of exporting and importing everything at once.

In previous part we put aside the issue of foreign keys. We address this issue now.

What if my InnoDB tables have foreign keys?

MyISAM does not support them, so you can’t just ALTER an InnoDB table to MyISAM and back into InnoDB, and expect everything to work.

Alas, this calls for additional steps (i.e. additional ALTER commands). However, these still fall well under the concept of “do it one table at a time, then take time to recover your breath and replication lag”.

Save , drop and restore your Foreign Keys setup

You can use common_schema‘s  sql_foreign_keys to get the full listing and create definition of your foreign keys. For example, assume we use the sakila database: Continue reading » “Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required, part II”

Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required

You have been told (guilty as charged), that the only way to get rid of the huge InnoDB tablespace file (commonly named ibdata1), when moving to innodb_file_per_table, is to do a logical dump of your data, completely erase everything, then import the dump.

To quickly reiterate, you can only delete the ibdata1 file when no InnoDB tables exist. Delete this file with an existing InnoDB table, even a table in its own tablespace, and nothing ever works anymore.

The problem with the dump-based solution

The impact of doing a logical dump is often overwhelming. Well, the dump may be tolerable, but the restore is much longer. The real pain is that you can’t do this one table at a time: you have to destroy everything before dropping the ibdata1 file; you then have to import everything.

Perhaps the most common scenario is that we do the changes on a slave, so as not to completely shut down our database. This is nice; no one is aware of the shutdown process. However, Huston, we have a problem: we need to make sure we can keep up the binary logs on the master for the duration of the entire process. Continue reading » “Getting rid of huge ibdata file, no dump required”

Announcing common_schema: common views & routines for MySQL

Today I have released common_schema, a utility schema for MySQL which includes many views and functions, and is aimed to be installed on any MySQL server.

What does it do?

There are views answering for all sorts of useful information: stuff related to schema analysis, data dimensions, monitoring, processes & transactions, security, internals… There are basic functions answering for common needs.

Some of the views/routines simply formalize those queries we tend to write over and over again. Others take the place of external tools, answering complex questions via SQL and metadata. Still others help out with SQL generation.

Here are a few highlights:

There’s more. Take a look at the common_schema documentation for full listing. And it’s evolving: I’ve got quite a few ideas already for future components.

Some of these views rely on heavyweight INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. You should be aware of the impact and risks.

What do I need to install?

There’s no script or executable file. It’s just a schema. The distribution in an SQL file which generates common_schema. Much like a dump file.

Continue reading » “Announcing common_schema: common views & routines for MySQL”

Useful sed / awk liners for MySQL

Listing some useful sed / awk liners to use with MySQL. I use these on occasion.

sed, awk & grep have many overlapping features. Some simple tasks can be performed by either. For example, stripping empty lines can be performed by either:

grep '.'
awk '/./'
sed '/./!d'
grep -v '^$'
awk '!/^$/'
sed '/^$/d'

It’s a matter of taste & convention which tool and variation to use. So for any script I suggest, there may be many variations, possibly cleaner, shorter; feel free to comment.


The output of mysqldump is in particular useful when one wishes to make transformation on data or metadata. Continue reading » “Useful sed / awk liners for MySQL”

Reasons to use AUTO_INCREMENT columns on InnoDB

An InnoDB table must have a primary key (one is created if you don’t do it yourself). You may have a natural key at hand. Stop! Allow me to suggest an AUTO_INCREMENT may be better.

Why should one add an AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY on a table on which there’s a natural key? Isn’t an AUTO_INCREMENT a pseudo key, meaning, it doesn’t have any explicit relation to the row data, other than it is a number and unique?

Yes, indeed so. Nevertheless, consider:

  • Natural keys are many times multi-columned.
  • Multi column PRIMARY KEYs make for larger keys, and make for bloated secondary keys as well. You may be wasting space for storing the additional AUTO_INCREMENT column, but you may gain space back on secondary keys.
  • Multi column PRIMARY KEYs make for more locks. See also this post.
  • InnoDB INSERTs work considerably faster when worked in ascending PRIMARY KEY order. Can you ensure your natural key is in such order?
  • Even though an AUTO_INCREMENT makes for an INSERT bottleneck (values must be given serially), it is in particular helpful to InnoDB by ensuring PRIMARY KEY values are in ascending order.
  • AUTO_INCEMENT makes for chronological resolution. You know what came first, and what came next.
  • In many datasets, more recent entries are often being accessed more, and are therefore “hotter”. By using AUTO_INCREMENT, you’re ensuring that recent entries are grouped together within the B+ Tree. This means less random I/O when looking for recent data.
  • A numerical key is in particular helpful in splitting your table (and tasks on your table) into smaller chunks. I write tools which can work out with any PRIMARY KEY combination, but it’s easier to work with numbers.

Limiting table disk quota in MySQL

Question asked by a student: is there a way to limit a table’s quote on disk? Say, limit a table to 2GB, after which it will refuse to grow? Note that the requirement is that rows are never DELETEd. The table must simply refuse to be updated once it reaches a certain size.

There is no built-in way to limit a table’s quota on disk. First thing to observe is that MySQL has nothing to do with this. It is entirely up to the storage engine to provide with such functionality. The storage engine is the one to handle data storage: how table and keys are stored on disk. Just consider the difference between MyISAM’s .MYD & .MYI to InnoDB’s shared tablespace ibdata1 to InnoDB’s file-per table .ibd files.

The only engine I know of that has a quota is the MEMORY engine: it accepts the max_heap_table_size, which limits the size of a single table in memory. Hrmmm… In memory…

Why limit?

I’m not as yet aware of the specific requirements of said company, but this is not the first time I heard this question.

The fact is: when MySQL runs out of disk space, it goes with a BOOM. It crashed ungracefully, with binary logs being out of sync, replication being out of sync. To date, and I’ve seen some cases, InnoDB merely crashes and manages to recover once disk space is salvaged, but I am not certain this is guaranteed to be the case. Anyone?

And, with MyISAM…, who knows?

Rule #1 of MySQL disk usage: don’t run out of disk space.


I can think of two workarounds, none of which is pretty. The first involves triggers (actually, a few variations for this one), the second involves privileges. Continue reading » “Limiting table disk quota in MySQL”

Upgrading to Barracuda & getting rid of huge ibdata1 file

Some of this is old stuff, but more people are now converting to InnoDB plugin, so as to enjoy table compression, performance boosts. Same holds for people converting to Percona’s XtraDB. InnoDB plugin requires innodb_file_per_table. No more shared tablespace file.

So your ibdata1 file is some 150GB, and it won’t reduce. Really, it won’t reduce. You set innodb_file_per_table=1, do ALTER TABLE t ENGINE=InnoDB (optionally ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=8), and you get all your tables in file-per-table .ibd files.

But the original ibdata1 file is still there. It has to be there, don’t delete it! It contains more than your old data.

InnoDB tablespace files never reduce in size, it’s an old-time annoyance. The only way to go round it, if you need the space, is to completely drop them and start afresh. That’s one of the things so nice about file-per-table: an ALTER TABLE actually creates a new tablespace file and drops the original one.

The procedure

The procedure is somewhat painful: