Risking some flames, I’d like to suggest only two options for choosing PRIMARY KEYs for InnoDB tables. I suggest they should cover 99% (throwing numbers around) of cases.
- An integer (SMALLINT / INT / BIGINT), possibly AUTO_INCREMENT column.
- The combination of two columns on a many-to-many connecting table (e.g. film_actor, which connects films to actors), the two columns being the PRIMARY KEYs of respective data tables. This rule may be extended to 3-way relation tables.
A short recap: an InnoDB must have a PRIMARY KEY. It will pick one if you don’t offer it. It can pick a really bad UNIQUE KEY (e.g. website_url(255)) or make one up using InnoDB internal row ids. If you don’t have a good candidate, an AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY is probably the easiest way out.
A 2-column combination for a many-to-many connection table is common and viable. The PRIMARY KEY will not only provide with good join access method, but will also provide with the required UNIQUE constraint.
An integer-based PRIMARY KEY will make for more compact & shallow index tree structures, which leads to less I/O and page reads.
An AUTO_INCREMENT will allow for ascending PRIMARY KEY order of INSERT, which is InnoDB-friendly: index pages will be more utilized, less fragmented. Continue reading » “Simple guideline for choosing appropriate InnoDB PRIMARY KEYs”