Three wishes for a new year

Another new year by Jewish calendar. What do I wish for the following year?

  1. World peace
  2. Good health to all
  3. Get auto-vacuuming, disk space reclaiming InnoDB tablespaces

No one likes rebuilding huge InnoDB tables. Rebuilds take time, effort, system resources and loss of sleep. I recently rebuilt a 300GB table to realize it reduced to a mere 45GB. How about some background automation?

My wishes in previous two years [2010], [2011], [2012] have not come true. I’m still willing to settle for two out of three.

Converting an OLAP database to TokuDB, part 1

This is the first in a series of posts describing my impressions of converting a large OLAP server to TokuDB. There’s a lot to tell, and the experiment is not yet complete, so this is an ongoing blogging. In this post I will describe the case at hand and out initial reasons for looking at TokuDB.

Disclosure: I have no personal interests and no company interests; we did get friendly, useful and free advice from Tokutek engineers. TokuDB is open source and free to use, though commercial license is also available.

The case at hand

We have a large and fast growing DWH MySQL setup. This data warehouse is but one component in a larger data setup, which includes Hadoop, Cassandra and more. For online dashboards and most reports, MySQL is our service. We populate this warehouse mainly via Hive/Hadoop. Thus, we have an hourly load of data from Hive, as well as a larger daily load.

There are some updates on the data, but the majority of writes are just mysqlimports of Hive queries.

Usage of this database is OLAP: no concurrency issues here; we have some should-be-fast-running queries issued by our dashboards, as well as ok-to-run-longer queries issued for reports.

Our initial and most burning trouble is with size. Today we use COMPRESSED InnoDB tables (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is default, i.e. 8). Our data volume sums right now at about 2TB. I happen to know this translates as 4TB of uncompressed data.

However growth of data is accelerating. A year ago we would capture a dozen GB per month. Today it is a 100GB per month, and by the end of this year it may climb to 150GB per month or more.

Our data is not sharded. We have a simple replication topology of some 6 servers. Machines are quite generous as detailed following. And yet, we will be running out of resources shortly: disk space (total 2.7TB) is now running low and is expected to run out in about six months. One of my first tasks in Outbrain is to find a solution to our DWH growth problem. The solution could be sharding; it could be a commercial DWH product; anything that works. Continue reading » “Converting an OLAP database to TokuDB, part 1”

MySQL security top wish list

Security seems to have no boundaries. I’ve been tightening our database security lately, and it seems like this could go on forever: from app to console to privileges to server, there are so many aspects to managing database security. Unfortunately, this is a field where MySQL is in particular weak, and with very little work done in the many years I’ve been working with MySQL.

My very own top-wanted security features for MySQL follows. Surely this is but a small subset, your mileage may vary.

Autherntication-only SSL

By default, MySQL client API is unencrypted and passwords are sent in cleartext. MySQL supports SSL, but it an “all or nothing” deal: if you want to use SSL, then everything goes by SSL: any query, SELECT, DDL and whatnot.

[UPDATE]: Thanks to Davi & Jan for correcting me on this: passwords are not sent via cleartext. I’m not sure by which constellation I saw cleartext passwords being sent — but obviously that was long time ago. Just verified via tcpdump, got “mysql_native_password” message and no cleartext password. Lesson learned!


Need I elaborate? This is a fundamental construct in a database grant system. The effort of maintaining multiple accounts with similar/identical privileges is overwhelming. (PS I haven’t used Securich to date)

Host aggregation

In MySQL the combination of user+host makes for a distinct account. Thus, ‘gromit’@’192.168.%’ is a completely different account than ‘gromit’@’10.10.%’. I get the idea: you can have more privileges to, say, gromit@localhost than for gromit@’192.%’. In practice, this only makes a headache. In all my years, I have never encountered nor designed a privilege set where two accounts of the same user had different set of privileges. Never ever ever. It is confusing and pointless: if an account has a different set of roles, just call it by another name! Continue reading » “MySQL security top wish list”

Trick: recovering from “no space left on device” issues with MySQL

Just read Ronald Bradford’s post on an unnecessary 3am (emergency) call. I sympathize! Running out of disk space makes for some weird MySQL behaviour, and in fact whenever I encounter weird behaviour I verify disk space.

But here’s a trick I’ve been using for years to avoid such cases and to be able to recover quickly. It helped me on such events as running out of disk space during ALTER TABLEs or avoiding purging of binary logs when slave is known to be under maintenance.

Ronald suggested it — just put a dummy file in your @@datadir! I like putting a 1GB dummy file: I typically copy+paste a 1GB binary log file and call it “placeholder.tmp”. Then I forget all about it. My disk space should not run out — if it does it’s a cause for emergency. I have monitoring, but sometimes I’m hoping to make an operation on 97%99% utilization.

If I do run out of disk space: well, MySQL won’t let me connect; won’t complete an important statement; not sync transaction to disk — bad situation. Not a problem in our case: we can magically recover 1GB worth of data from the @@datadir, buying us enough time (maybe just minutes) to gracefully complete so necessary operations; connect, KILL, shutdown, abort etc.

common_schema 2.2: better QueryScript isolation & cleanup; TokuDB; table_rotate, split params

common_schema 2.2 is released. This is shortly after the 2.1 release; it was only meant as bug fixes release but some interesting things came up, leading to new functionality.

Highlights of the 2.2 release:

  • Better QueryScript isolation & cleanup: isolation improved across replication topology, cleanup done even on error
  • Added TokuDB related views
  • split with “index” hint (Ike, this is for you)
  • table_rotate(): a logrotate-like mechanism for tables
  • better throw()

Drill down:

Better QueryScript isolation & cleanup

common_schema 2.1 introduced persistent tables for QueryScript. This also introduced the problem of isolating concurrent scripts, all reading from and writing to shared tables. In 2.1 isolation was based on session id. However although unique per machine, collisions were possible across replication topology: a script could be issued on master, another on slave (I have such use cases) and both use same (local) session id.

With 2.2 isolation is based on server_id & session id combination; this is unique across a replication topology.

Until 2.1, QueryScript used temporary tables. This meant any error would just break the script, and the tables were left (isolated as they were, and auto-destroyed in time). With persistent tables a script throwing an error meant legacy code piling up. With common_schema 2.2 and on MySQL >= 5.5 all exceptions are caught, cleanup is made, leaving exceptions to be RESIGNALled.

TokuDB views

A couple TokuDB related views help out in converting to TokuDB and in figuring out tables status on disk: Continue reading » “common_schema 2.2: better QueryScript isolation & cleanup; TokuDB; table_rotate, split params”

Tool of the day: q

If you work with command line and know your SQL, q is a great tool to use:

q allows you to query your text files or standard input with SQL. You can:

SELECT c1, COUNT(*) FROM /home/shlomi/tmp/my_file.csv GROUP BY c1

And you can:

SELECT all.c2 FROM /tmp/all_engines.txt AS all LEFT JOIN /tmp/innodb_engines.txt AS inno USING (c1, c2) WHERE inno.c3 IS NULL

And you can also combine with your favourite shell commands and tools:

grep "my_term" /tmp/my_file.txt | q "SELECT c4 FROM - JOIN /home/shlomi/static.txt USING (c1)" | xargs touch

Some of q‘s functionality (and indeed, SQL functionality) can be found in command line tools. You can use grep for pseudo WHERE filtering, or cut for projecting, but you can only get so far with cat my_file.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -n. SQL is way more powerful for working with tabulated data, and so q makes for a great addition into one’s toolbox.

The tool is authored by my colleague Harel Ben-Attia, and is in daily use over at our company (it is in fact installed on all production servers).

It is of course free and open source (get it on GitHub, where you can also find documentation), and very easy to setup. Enjoy!

common_schema roadmap thoughts

I’m happy with common_schema; it is in fact a tool I use myself on an almost daily basis. I’m also happy to see that it gains traction; which is why I’m exposing a little bit of my thoughts on general future development. I’d love to get feedback.

Supported versions

At this moment, common_schema supports MySQL >= 5.1, all variants. This includes 5.5, 5.6, MySQL, Percona Server & MariaDB.

5.1 is today past end of line, and I’m really missing the SIGNAL/RESIGNAL syntax that I would like to use; I can do in the meanwhile with version-specific code such as /*!50500 … */. Nevertheless, I’m wondering whether I will eventually have to:

  • Support different branches of common_schema (one that supports 5.1, one that supports >= 5.5)
  • Stop support for 5.1

Of course community-wise, the former is preferred; but I have limited resources, so I would like to make a quick poll here:

[poll id=”3″]

I’ll use the poll’s results as a vague idea of what people use and want. Or please use comments below to sound your voice!


This was a crazy jump at providing a stored routine debugger and debugging API. From some talk I made I don’t see this getting traction. For the time being, I don’t see that I will concentrate my efforts on this. Actually it is almost complete. You can step-into, step-out, step-over, set breakpoints, read variables, modify variables — it’s pretty cool. Continue reading » “common_schema roadmap thoughts”

common_schema 2.1 released: advanced & improved split(), persistent script tables, more schema analysis, and (ahem) charts!

common_schema 2.1 is released! common_schema is your free & open source companion schema within your MySQL server, providing with a function library, scripting capabilities, powerful routines and ready-to-apply information and recommendations.

New and noteworthy in version 2.1:

  • Better QueryScript’s split() functionality
  • Persistent tables for QueryScript: no long held temporary tables
  • Index creation analysis, further range partition analysis
  • grant_access(): allow everyone to use common_schema
  • Ascii charts, google charts
  • debugged_routines: show routines with debug code

Other minor enhancements and bugfixes not listed.

Here’s a breakdown of the above:

split() enhancements

split is one of those parts of common_schema that (should) appeal to every DBA. Break a huge transaction automagically into smaller chunks, and don’t worry about how it’s done. If you like, throttle execution, or print progress, or…

split enhancements include:

  • A much better auto-detection-and-selection of the chunking index. split now consults all columns covered by the index, and uses realistic heuristics to decide which UNIQUE KEY on your table is best for the chunking process. A couple bugs are solved on the way; split is much smarter now.
  • Better support for multi-column chunking keys. You may now utilize the start/stop parameters even on multi column keys, passing a comma delimited of values for the split operation to start/end with, respectively. Also fixed issue for nonexistent start/stop values, which are now valid: split will just keep to the given range.
  • split no longer requires a temporary table open through the duration of its operation. See next section. Continue reading » “common_schema 2.1 released: advanced & improved split(), persistent script tables, more schema analysis, and (ahem) charts!”

common_schema & openark-kit in the media: #DBHangOps, OurSQL


I had the pleasure of joining into @DBHangOps today, and speak about common_schema and openark-kit. What was meant to be a 15 minute session turned to be 50 — sorry, people, I don’t talk as much at home, but when it comes to my pet projects…

I also realized I was missing on a great event: DBHangOps is a hangout where you can chat and discuss MySQL & related technologies with friends and colleagues, with whom you typically only meet at conferences. I will certainly want to attend future events.

Thanks to John Cesario and Geoffrey Anderson who invited me to talk, and to the friends and familiar faces who attended; I was happy to talk about my work, and very interested in hearing about how it’s being put to use. We also had time to discuss ps_helper with no other than Mark Leith!

The video is available on Twitter/YouTube.


openark-kit has also been featured on the OurSQL podcast by Sheeri & Gerry, who did great coverage of some tools. I will disclose that more is to come; I’m happy this is in capable hands and look further to hear the next episode!


Working at Outbrain

I’m starting my new position as Senior Software Engineer at Outbrain. While I’m still to fully grasp the scope of my work, I will be handling data on all things MySQL, Hadoop, Cassandra, Kafka, more, more and more, at very large volumes.

I find Outbrain a great supporter of community and open source:

  • Open source solutions are highly preferred over commercial solutions
  • Outbrain is an early adopter for many open source technologies
  • Employees are encouraged to contribute back as much as possible to the open source community
  • It is happy to pay for support from companies developing open source
  • Outbrain is a major participant in the ILTechTalks initiative: free, volunteer, professional exchange of knowledge

I can already testify I will be working with very smart and knowledgeable people; I expect to learn a lot and of course contribute from my own knowledge and skills.

I’ve been in process with some other companies, I’d like to kindly thank those companies I’ve been in touch with for their good will.