common_schema 1.3 is released and is available for download. New and noteworthy in this version:
- Parameterized split(): take further control over huge transactions by breaking them down into smaller chunks, now manually tunable if needed
- duplicate_grantee(): copy+paste existing accounts along with their full set of privileges
- similar_grants: find which accounts share the exact same set of privileges (i.e. have the same role)
- json_to_xml(): translate any valid JSON object into its equivalent XML form
- extract_json_value(): use XPath notation to extract info from JSON data, just as you would from XML
- query_checksum(): given a query, calculate a checksum on the result set
- random_hash(): get a 40 hexadecimal digits random hash, using a reasonably large changing input
Let’s take a closer look at the above:
Parameterized split()
split takes your bulk query and automagically breaks it down into smaller pieces. So instead of one huge UPDATE or DELETE or INSERT..SELECT transaction, you get many smaller transactions, each with smaller impact on I/O, locks, CPU.
As of 1.3, split() gets more exposed: you can have some control on its execution, and you also get a lot of very interesting info during operation.
Here’s an example of split() control:
set @script := "
split({start:7015, step:2000} : UPDATE sakila.rental SET return_date = return_date + INTERVAL 1 DAY)
throttle 1;
In the above we choose a split size of 2,000 rows at a time; but we also choose to only start with 7015, skipping all rows prior to that value. Just what is that value? It depends on the splitting key (and see next example for just that); but in this table we can safely assume this is the rental_id PRIMARY KEY of the table.
You don’t have to use these control parameters. But they can save you some time and effort. Continue reading » “common_schema: 1.3: security goodies, parameterized split(), json-to-xml, query checksum”