Oracle “Technologist of the Year: Developer” Award

I am honored to receive Oracle’s Technologist of the Year: Developer award, formerly Oracle Magazine Editors’ Choice Awards.

Technologist of the Year Award is given for individuals for their technical achievements with regard to Oracle products.

As opposed to community based awards, to win this award one must be nominated by himself or his company. There are several award categories: Developer, DBA, IT Manager etc., and many nominations per category. I have been nominated by my company and am happy to have won the award in the Developer category.

Allow me to take the pleasant opportunity to make some acknowledgements. Continue reading » “Oracle “Technologist of the Year: Developer” Award”

Monitor your MySQL servers as done before, for free!

With genuine respect to other products, the people making those products and the efforts involved, I would like to make an issue:

Some things have been done before, done pretty well (if I may say so), and for free.

mycheckpoint is a free monitoring tool for MySQL. It uses an unorthodox approach of monitoring your MySQL servers by storing the monitored data in SQL format (actually, within a MySQL server). This allows you to either use the fancy JavaScript charting (by running mycheckpoint as HTTP server), or Do-It-Yourself diagnostics.

It allows for a great many more things, among which are custom queries and charts: you may add your own queries, to be included in the monitoring scheme. Query your AUTO_INCREMENT values to detect growth rate, query your INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables (if you dare) to learn about your data dimensions, query for query response time to detect performance issues with your website/database, or query your data itself (e.g. sales per day) to get insight about your product. Here are sample charts to illustrate. Continue reading » “Monitor your MySQL servers as done before, for free!”

INFORMATION_SCHEMA Optimizations: still crashing my servers

[Update: need to take more breaks: now NOT crashing my servers! See clarifications below]

INFORMATION_SCHEMA Optimizations are meant to make your INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries lighter and safer.

For example, if you’re going to query the COLUMNS table for just the columns of a single table, then the following:


makes for an optimization: specifying a literal on TABLE_SCHEMA avoid scanning the directories of other schemata. Specifying a literal on TABLE_NAME avoids checking up on other tables. So it’s a one-schema-one-table read operation, as opposed to “first read every single column from all and any single schema and table, then return only those I’m interested in”.

Here’s the execution plan for the above query:

*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: COLUMNS
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: NULL
        Extra: Using where; Open_frm_only; Scanned 0 databases

What I tried to do is to read the entire COLUMNS table, one schema at a time, one table at a time. I’m good with this taking longer time.

I have a production system on which reads from COLUMNS consistently crash the servers. Well, one read at a time can’t do harm, right? Continue reading » “INFORMATION_SCHEMA Optimizations: still crashing my servers”

More MySQL foreach()

In my previous post I’ve shown several generic use cases for foreach(), a new scripting functionality introduced in common_schema.

In this part I present DBA’s handy syntax for schema and table operations and maintenance.

Confession: while I love INFORMATION_SCHEMA‘s power, I just hate writing queries against it. It’s just so much typing! Just getting the list of tables in a schema makes for this heavy duty query:


When a join is involved this really becomes a nightmare. I think it’s cumbersome, and as result, many do not remember the names and meaning of columns, making for “oh, I need to read the manual all over again just to get that query right”. Anyway, that’s my opinion.

A SHOW TABLES statement is easier to type, but cannot be integrated into a SELECT query (though we have a partial solution for that, too), and besides, when filtering out the views, the SHOW statement becomes almost as cumbersome as the one on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

Which is why foreach() offers handy shortcuts to common iterations on schemata and tables, as follows:

Use case: iterate all databases

call foreach('schema', 'CREATE TABLE ${schema}.event(event_id INT, msg VARCHAR(128))');

In the above we execute a query on each database. Hmmm, maybe not such a good idea to perform this operation on all databases? Let’s filter them:

Use case: iterate databases by name match

call foreach('schema like wordpress_%', 'ALTER TABLE ${schema}.wp_posts MODIFY COLUMN comment_author VARCHAR(96) NOT NULL');

The above will only iterate my WordPress databases (I have several of these), performing an ALTER on wp_posts for each of those databases. Continue reading » “More MySQL foreach()”

MySQL foreach()

A new routine is now available in common_schema, which makes for an easier execution syntax for some operations:

foreach(collection_to_iterate_over, queries_to_execute_per_iteration_step);

To illustrate what it can do, consider:

call foreach('table in sakila', 'ALTER TABLE ${schema}.${table} ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT');

call $('schema like shard_%', 'CREATE TABLE ${schema}.messages (id INT)');

call $('2000:2009', 'INSERT IGNORE INTO report (report_year) VALUES (${1})');

$() stands as a synonym to foreach(). I suspect it should look familiar to web programmers.

The idea for foreach() was introduced by Giuseppe Maxia during a correspondence. At first I was skeptic: this isn’t jQuery; this is SQL. Why would I want to use foreach()?

Then Giuseppe provided some use cases, and as I started thinking about it, I found more and more cases where such a tool might considerably reduce scripting overhead and avoid requiring SQL-fu skills. In fact, I have been using it myself for the past few weeks

I provide examples which I hope will convince the reader as for the simplicity of using such syntax. Showing off the types of input foreach() accepts (query, table search, schema search, set of constants, single or double numbers range), and the types of queries it can execute (single, multiple, using placeholders).

I stress that this is not a replacement for common queries (i.e. does not come to replace your common SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE), but more for working out administrative tasks. Nevertheless, the last example in this post does provide with an interesting insight on possible “normal” use. Continue reading » “MySQL foreach()”

common_schema, rev. 178: foreach(), repeat_exec(), Roland Bouman, query analysis

common_schema, revision 178 is now released, with major additions. This revision turns common_schema into a framework, rather than a set of views and functions.

common_schema provides with query scripting, analysis & informational views, and a function library, allowing for easier administration and diagnostics for MySQL. It introduces SQL based tools which simplify otherwise complex shell and client scripts, allowing the DBA to be independent of operating system, installed packages and dependencies.

There’s no Perl nor Python, and no dependencies to install. It’s just a schema.

Some highlights for the new revision:

  • foreach(), aka $(): loop through a collection, execute callback commands per element.
  • repeat_exec(): a repeat-until device: execute queries until some condition holds.
  • exec_file(): execute files a-la SOURCE, but on server side
  • Query analysis: analyze query text, view or routine definitions to detect dependency objects.
  • Improvements to views and routines, new routines introduced.

Let’s take a closer look:


I’m very happy to have Roland Bouman working on this project. He introduced some sophisticated code without which some functionality could not take place. I’m sure I don’t need to introduce his great capabilities; I’ll just pass the note that it is very good working with him!


Introducing a looping device which can iterate a collection and execute callback commands.

What’s a collection? A range of numbers; a set of constants; the result set of a SELECT query; tables in your database and more.

What is a callback? A query or set of queries to invoke on the specific elements in the collection. For example:

call foreach('table in sakila', 'ALTER TABLE ${schema}.${table} ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED');

I’ll publish dedicated posts on foreach(), aka $(), following this post. Official documentation is here.


Repeat executing queries in a given interval, until some condition holds.

What kind of condition? You can loop forever, or until a given time has passed, a given number of iteration has passed. Continue reading » “common_schema, rev. 178: foreach(), repeat_exec(), Roland Bouman, query analysis”

Percona Live: MySQL Conference And Expo 2012 – a note on proposals

As a member of the conference committee I review the session and tutorial proposals for the Percona Live MySQL conference in Santa Clara, 2012.

The sessions are expected to be technical, and I’m happy the proposals follow this guideline. I use Giuseppe‘s and Baron‘s general guidelines for submitting a proposal. I wish to humbly add a couple notes myself.

Be fairly brief

Explain your session/tutorial as clearly as you can. The reader should be able to get the general impression of the session from two or three paragraphs. Some can make a point in two sentences; for most it would take somewhat more.

If you’re going to talk about some database feature, for example, please do not write the manual for that feature. That’s for the session itself. Just explain how you’re going to discuss the feature, and why it should be of interest (e.g. what the benefits of this feature are, the risks or pitfalls, the ingenious C code behind it or the quirks of the operating system involved).


It’s important for me to understand two things when reading a proposal, which establish the grounds for better evaluating the proposal:

  • Who the target audience is (newbies, developers, DBAs, Linux internal experts etc.)
  • To what depth are you going to deliver the content you describe.

That is not to say you should explicitly state “This session is for MySQL DBAs”, but the attendee should be able to easily decide whether your session appeals to his type of work or expertise. I, myself, have happened upon sessions that were completely different from what I expected. To illustrate, I give two examples, while not disclosing the exact details:

  • A session which was about locking in database. I got the impression it was about ways to avoid locking, issues with mutexes etc. It turned out to be a discussion between the presenter and a few member of the audience about the specific code internals, lines 667-684 in the file, and the recently reported bug. To me it was more like the weekly rnd meeting of some company. I couldn’t understand anything of the entire talk.
  • A session promising insight on working out great scale-out with some product: I was expecting to hear of the “DOs and DON’Ts”, or of great configuration and implementation tricks on the subject. However, it turned out to be more of a general talk on “how we used the product in our company and found it to work great”.

The two sessions above were perfectly valid, and had their place in the conference. But were poorly described in the two respects I mentioned.

A great submission, in my opinion, is one where attendees get what the expect, and don’t shyly leave the conference room 15 minutes into the talk.

Submit a proposal here.

Reading results of SHOW statements, on server side

SHOW statements are show stoppers on server side. While clients can get a SHOW statement as a result set just as any normal SELECT, things are not as such on server side.

On server side, that is, from within MySQL itself, one cannot:


One cannot:


One cannot:

SHOW TABLES INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/my_file.txt';

So it is impossible to get the results with a query; impossible to get the results from a stored routine; impossible to get the results by file reading…

Bwahaha! A hack!

For some SHOW statements, there is a way around this. I’ve been banging my head against the wall for weeks now on this. Now I have a partial solution: I’m able to read SHOW output for several SHOW statements. Namely, those SHOW statements which allow a LIKE or a WHERE clause.

For example, most are familiar with the following syntax:

USE mysql;

However not so many know that any SHOW statement which accepts LIKE, can also accept WHERE: Continue reading » “Reading results of SHOW statements, on server side”

Xfce is the new Gnome 2

I’ve recently had it with Ubuntu’s Unity.

Wait, why Unity?

Because my gdm was consuming so much CPU my laptop had its fan working non-stop. I’ve researched and tweaked and installed and removed – and finally moved to Unity to solve that. There may have been another solution, but that’s an old story now.

Thing is, that used to be Gnome 2, a great environment for a software developer. Easy keystrokes to move between your apps, intuitive mouse gestures. Unity presented with a very slick look, but a counter-productive environment. Perhaps it’s great for people opening one Firefox window and one Libre Office Writer document. It does not work as well for people with 3 different browsers, 5 terminals on 2 different desktops, eclipse with 4 separate perspectives, and Gimp, which opens up with 5 windows up front. Continue reading » “Xfce is the new Gnome 2”

Quoting text JavaScript/Python style

Unless your MySQL is configured to use ANSI_QUOTES in sql_mode, you are able to quote your text in one of two forms: using single quotes or double quotes:

UPDATE world.Country SET HeadOfState = 'Willy Wonka' WHERE Code='USA'
UPDATE world.Country SET HeadOfState = "Willy Wonka" WHERE Code="USA"

This makes for JavaScript- or Python-style quoting: you quote by your needs. Say you have a text which includes single quotes:

It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it. – Oscar Wilde

You wish to insert this text to some tables. You could go through the trouble of escaping it:

INSERT INTO quotes (quote, author) VALUES (
  'It is what you read when you don\'t have to that determines what you will be when you can\'t help it.', 'Oscar Wilde');

or you could just wrap it in double quotes:

INSERT INTO quotes (quote, author) VALUES (
  "It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it.", 'Oscar Wilde');

I find this useful when using SQL to generate queries. Take, for example, eval() for MySQL: the statement: Continue reading » “Quoting text JavaScript/Python style”