Solving the Facebook-OSC non-atomic table swap problem

We present a way to use an atomic, blocking table swap in the Facebook Online-Schema-Change solution, as well as in a rumored, other Online-Schema-rumored-Change solution. Update: also a caveat.

Quick recap (really quick)

pt-online-schema-change and facebook-osc are two popular online-schema-change solutions for MySQL. They both use triggers, but in different ways. While the Percona tool uses synchronous table updates, such that any INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE on the modified table causes an INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE on a ghost table, in the Facebook tool all cause an INSERT on a changelog table, which is then iterated, read, having entries applied on the ghost table.

The TL;DR is that DMLs on the table propagate synchronously, within same transaction in the Percona tool, and asynchronously, with lag, in the Facebook tool.

What’s the problem with the table swap?

In the Percona tool, once the logic is satisfied the copy is complete, we issue this query:

RENAME TABLE tbl TO tbl_old, tbl_new TO tbl;

This is an atomic, two table RENAME operation.

However with the asynchronous nature of the Facebook tool, such a RENAME would be a mistake. We must first block writes to the modified table, then make sure we have iterated the changelog table to the point of lock, apply those changes onto the ghost table, and only then do the swap.

The problem is: you cannot RENAME TABLES while one of them is LOCKed.

This is silly, and inconsistent, because:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

> RENAME TABLE tbl TO tbl_old, tbl_new TO tbl;
ERROR 1192 (HY000): Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction

> ALTER TABLE tbl RENAME TO tbl_old;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Why would the RENAME fail where the ALTER works?

Small thing, but critical to the operation of the online-schema-change. From the Facebook OSC documentation:

Since alter table causes an implicit commit in innodb, innodb locks get released after the first alter table. So any transaction that sneaks in after the first alter table and before the second alter table gets a ‘table not found’ error. The second alter table is expected to be very fast though because copytable is not visible to other transactions and so there is no need to wait.

What the FB solution means

It means for a very brief duration, the table is not there. Your app will get errors.

Of course, we should be able to handle errors anytime, aywhere. But the honest truth is: we (as in the world) do not. Many apps will fail ungracefully should they get a table not found error.

An atomic swap, as compared, would make for briefly blocking operations, making the app ignorant of the swap.


Rumor has it that we at GitHub are developing a new, triggerless, Online Schema Change tool. It is rumored to be based off binary logs and is rumored to have lots of interesting rumored implications.

Such rumored implementation would have to be asynchronous by nature, or so rumors say. And as such, it would fall for the same non-atomic table swap problem.


Once we heard it was rumored we were working on a triggerless online schema change tool, we realized we would have to solve the non-atomic swap problem. What we did was to gossip about it in between ourselves, which led to three different rumors of a solution, eventually manifested as three different working solutions. All three solutions make for blocking queries on the app’s side. I will present one of these solution here, based on voluntary locks. Continue reading » “Solving the Facebook-OSC non-atomic table swap problem”

MySQL Community Awards 2016: the Winners

The MySQL Community Awards initiative is an effort to acknowledge and thank individuals and corporates for their contributions to the MySQL ecosystem. It is a from-the-community, by-the-community and for-the-community effort. The committee is composed of an independent group of community members of different orientation and opinion, themselves past winners or known contributors to the community.

The 2016 community awards were presented on April 21st, 2016, during the keynotes at the Percona Live conference. The winners are:

MySQL Community Awards: Community Contributor of the year 2016

  • Bill Karwin
    Bill has been working with the community for years, helping them understand SQL. Bill is the author of the great book “SQL Antipatterns”. He has given a large amount of help on sites such as StackOverflow, Quora, and of course many conference talks. Bill has provided a huge amount of help to the community directly.
  • Domas Mituzas
    Domas Mituzas started in the MySQL ecosystem as a MySQL Support Engineer at MySQL AB. Since he had some spare time, he did a lot of work to scale MySQL at Wikipedia. He is now a small data engineer at Facebook, mostly working with user-facing data systems. He continues to write very interesting blog posts and bug reports. Domas is responsible for giving us MyDumper, PoorMansProfiler, and the infamous Query Cache tuner!
  • Yoshinori Matsunobu
    Yoshinori Matsunobu is currently leading the MyRocks effort to get the RocksDB storage engine for MySQL into production at Facebook. Previously (amongst his other accomplishments) he created HandlerSocket, and implemented MHA to support failover automation for MySQL – both of which have been used at many companies. He is a frequent speaker at community events, and his tutorials and slide decks do a lot to increase expertise in the community. He is a frequent bug reporter with a focus on replication (RBR, semi-sync).

MySQL Community Awards: Application of the year 2016

Continue reading » “MySQL Community Awards 2016: the Winners”

MySQL Community Awards 2016: Call for Nominations!

The 2016 MySQL Community Awards event will take place, as usual, in Santa Clara, during the Percona Live Data Performance Conference, April 2016.

The MySQL Community Awards is a community based initiative. The idea is to publicly recognize contributors to the MySQL ecosystem. The entire process of discussing, voting and awarding is controlled by an independent group of community members, typically based of past winners or their representatives, as well as known contributors.

It is a self-appointed, self-declared, self-making-up-the-rules-as-it-goes committee. It is also very aware of the importance of the community; a no-nonsense, non-political, adhering to tradition, self criticizing committee.

The Call for Nominations is open. We are seeking the community’s assistance in nominating candidates in the following categories:

MySQL Community Awards: Community Contributor of the year 2016

This is a personal award; a winner would a person who has made contribution to the MySQL ecosystem. This could be via development, advocating, blogging, speaking, supporting, etc. All things go.

MySQL Community Awards: Application of the year 2016

An application, project, product etc. which supports the MySQL ecosystem by either contributing code, complementing its behaviour, supporting its use, etc. This could range from a one man open source project to a large scale social service.

MySQL Community Awards: Corporate Contributor of the year 2016

A company who made contribution to the MySQL ecosystem. This might be a corporate which released major open source code; one that advocates for MySQL; one that help out community members by… anything.

For a list of previous winners, please see MySQL Hall of Fame. Continue reading » “MySQL Community Awards 2016: Call for Nominations!”

Orchestrator progress

This comes mostly to reassure, having moved into GitHub: orchestrator development continues.

I will have the privilege of working on this open source solution in GitHub. There are a few directions we can take orchestrator to, and we will be looking into the possibilities. We will continue to strengthen the crash recovery process, and in fact I’ve got a couple ideas on drastically shortening Pseudo-GTID recovery time as well as other debts. We will look into yet other directions, which we will share. My new and distinguished team will co-work on/with orchestrator and will no doubt provide useful and actionable input.

Orchestrator continues to be open for pull requests, with a temporal latency in response time (it’s the Holidays, mostly).

Some Go(lang) limitations (namely the import path, I’ll blog more about it) will most probably imply some changes to the code, which will be well communicated to existing collaborators.

Most of all, we will keep orchestrator a generic solution, while keeping focus on what we think is most important – and there’s some interesting vision here. Time will reveal as we make progress.


Joining GitHub

Today was my last day at, and shortly I will be joining the team at GitHub.

I’d like to thank the many kind, friendly & smart people I’ve worked with at!

The challenges at are big. There is such a diversity within the technology stack; even within the database range. A solution that works on all the various production environments is something to value. Indeed, the Production environment it is an amazing playground for developers, offering high volume, large numbers, and differing workloads to tackle. Your code just gets hammered down and you get very quick feedback on whether you did it right or wrong.

I was happy to have worked on serious reliability and operational topics, and to have made a meaningful contribution.

Joining GitHub, I’m to be a systems engineer in a great team (friends included), building great products, in and around the database zone, delivering open source, pretty much expecting to do awesome stuff! That, and the swag.

Forking Golang repositories on GitHub and managing the import path

Problem: there’s an awesome Golang project on GitHub which you want to fork. You want to develop & collaborate on that fork, but the golang import path, in your source code, still references the original path, breaking everything.

A couple solutions offered below. First, though, let’s get some names.

A sample case, the problem at hand

There’s an awesome tool on You successfully fork it onto

You want to collaborate on; you wish to pull, commit & push. Maybe you want to send pull requests to the origin.

The following is commonly found throughout .go files in the repository:

import (

If you:

go get

golang creates your $GOPATH/src/, which is awesome. However, as you resolve dependencies via

cd $GOPATH/src/ ; go get ./...

golang digs into the source code, finds references to etc, and fetches those from and onto $GOPATH/src/, which is not awesome. You actually have two copies of the code, one from your fork, one from the origin, and your own fork will be largely ignored as it mostly points back to the origin.

A bad solution

The dirty, bad solution would be for you to go over the source code and replace “” entries with “”. It is bad for two reasons:

  • You will not be able to further pull changes from upstream
  • You will not be able to pull-request and push your own changes upstream

Continue reading » “Forking Golang repositories on GitHub and managing the import path”

State of automated recovery via Pseudo-GTID & Orchestrator @

This post sums up some of my work on MySQL resilience and high availability at by presenting the current state of automated master and intermediate master recoveries via Pseudo-GTID & Orchestrator. uses many different MySQL topologies, of varying vendors, configurations and workloads: Oracle MySQL, MariaDB, statement based replication, row based replication, hybrid, OLTP, OLAP, GTID (few), no GTID (most), Binlog Servers, filters, hybrid of all the above.

Topologies size varies from a single server to many-many-many. Our typical topology has a master in one datacenter, a bunch of slaves in same DC, a slave in another DC acting as an intermediate master to further bunch of slaves in the other DC. Something like this, give or take:


However as we are building our third data center (with MySQL deployments mostly completed) the graph turns more complex.

Two high availability questions are:

  • What happens when an intermediate master dies? What of all its slaves?
  • What happens when the master dies? What of the entire topology?

This is not a technical drill down into the solution, but rather on overview of the state. For more, please refer to recent presentations in September and April.

At this time we have:

  • Pseudo-GTID deployed on all chains
  • Pseudo-GTID based automated failover for intermediate masters on all chains
  • Pseudo-GTID based automated failover for masters on roughly 30% of the chains.
    • The rest of 70% of chains are set for manual failover using Pseudo-GTID.

Pseudo-GTID is in particular used for:

  • Salvaging slaves of a dead intermediate master
  • Correctly grouping and connecting slaves of a dead master
  • Routine refactoring of topologies. This includes:
    • Manual repointing of slaves for various operations (e.g. offloading slaves from a busy box)
    • Automated refactoring (for example, used by our automated upgrading script, which consults with orchestrator, upgrades, shuffles slaves around, updates intermediate master, suffles back…)
  • (In the works), failing over binlog reader apps that audit our binary logs.

Continue reading » “State of automated recovery via Pseudo-GTID & Orchestrator @”

Orchestrator & Pseudo-GTID for binlog reader failover

One of our internal apps at audits changes to our tables on various clusters. We used to use tungsten replicator, but have since migrated onto our own solution.

We have a binlog reader (uses open-replicator) running on a slave. It expects Row Based Replication, hence our slave runs with log-slave-updates, binlog-format=’ROW’, to translate from the master’s Statement Based Replication. The binlog reader reads what it needs to read, audits what it needs to audit, and we’re happy.

However what happens if that slave dies?

In such case we need to be able to point our binlog reader to another slave, and it needs to be able to pick up auditing from the same point.

This sounds an awful lot like slave repointing in case of master/intermediate master failure, and indeed the solutions are similar. However our binlog reader is not a real MySQL server and does not understands replication. It does not really replicate, it just parses binary logs.

We’re also not using GTID. But we are using Pseudo-GTID. As it turns out, the failover solution is already built in by orchestrator, and this is how it goes:

Normal execution

Our binlog app reads entries from the binary log. Some are of interest for auditing purposes, some are not. An occasional Pseudo-GTID entry is found, and is being stored to ZooKeeper tagged as  “last seen and processed Pseudo-GTID”.

Upon slave failure

We recognize the death of a slave; we have other slaves in the pool; we pick another. Now we need to find the coordinates from which to carry on.

We read our “last seen and processed Pseudo-GTID”. Say it reads:

drop view if exists `meta`.`_pseudo_gtid_hint__asc:56373F17:00000000012B1C8B:50EC77A1`

. We now issue:

$ orchestrator -c find-binlog-entry -i --pattern='drop view if exists `meta`.`_pseudo_gtid_hint__asc:56373F17:00000000012B1C8B:50EC77A1`'

The output of such command are the binlog coordinates of that same entry as found in the new slave’s binlogs:


Pseudo-GTID entries are only injected once every few seconds (5 in our case). Either: Continue reading » “Orchestrator & Pseudo-GTID for binlog reader failover”

Thoughts on MaxScale automated failover (and Orchestrator)

Having attended a talk (as part of the MariaDB Developer Meeting in Amsterdam) about recent developments of MaxScale in executing automated failovers, here are some (late) observations of mine.

I will begin by noting that the project is stated to be pre-production, and so of course none of the below are complaints, but rather food for thought, points for action and otherwise recommendations.

Some functionality of the MaxScale failover is also implemented by orchestrator, which I author. Orchestrator was built in production environments by and for operational people. In this respect it has gained many insights and had to cope with many real-world cases, special cases & Murphy’s law cases. This post compares logic, feature set and capabilities of the two where relevant. To some extent the below will read as “hey, I’ve already implemented this; shame to re-implement the same”, and indeed I think that way; but it wouldn’t be the first time a code of mine would just be re-implemented by someone else and I’ve done the same, myself.

I’m describing the solution the way I understood it from the talk. If I’m wrong on any account I’m happy to be corrected via comments below. Edit: please see comment by Dipti Joshi

General overview

The idea is that MaxScale operates as a proxy to your topology. You do not connect to your master directly, but rather through MaxScale. Thus, MaxScale acts as a proxy to your master.

The next phase is that MaxScale would also auto-detect master failure, fix the topology for you, promote a new master, and will have your application unaware of all the complexity and without the app having to change setup/DNS/whatever. Of course some write downtime is implied.

Now for some breakdown.


The detection of a dead master, the check by which a failover is initiated, is based on MaxScale not being able to query the master. This calls for some points for consideration:

  • Typically, I would see “I can’t connect to the master therefore failover” as too hysterical, and the basis for a lot of false positives.
  • However, since in the discussed configuration MaxScale is the only access point to the master, the fact MaxScale cannot connect to the master means the master is inaccessible de-facto.
  • In light of the above, the decision makes sense – but I still hold that it would make false positives.
  • I’m unsure (I think not; can anyone comment?) if MaxScale would make multiple attempts over time and only reach the conclusion after X successive failures. This would reduce the false positives.
  • I’m having a growing dislike to a “check for 4 successive times then alert/failover” Nagios-style behavior. Orchestrator takes a different approach where it recognizes a master’s death by not being able to connect to the master as well as being able to connect to 1st tier slaves, check their status and observe that they’re unable to connect to the master as well. See What makes a MySQL server failure/recovery case?. This approach still calls for further refinement (what if the master is temporarily deadlocked? Is this a failover or not?).

Continue reading » “Thoughts on MaxScale automated failover (and Orchestrator)”

SQL mini hack of the day, inverted IN clause

We are used to issue queries with an IN clause of the form:

... where state in ('started', 'completed', 'failed') ...

However I’ve had a few cases where I used an inverted format. Here’s one use case followed by an inverted IN clause.

Dynamic query building

Say we have this function:

GetLaggingSlaves(clusterName string)

Which, based on whether given clusterName is empty or not, would return list of all lagging slaves, or only those in the given cluster, respectively: Continue reading » “SQL mini hack of the day, inverted IN clause”